Mini-Test Answer: 我来中国已经三年了。

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is B.


       Dan, jīnnián shì nǐ zài Zhōngguó de dì yī ge Xīnnián ma?
Jim: Dan,今年   是   你在   中国         的第一 个   新年   吗?
       Dan, is this the first New Year that you have spent in China?

       Bú shì, wǒ lái Zhōngguó yǐjīng sān nián le.
Dan: 不是,我   来    中国       已经   三   年 了。
       No, I have been in China for three years.


In Chinese, the character “年 (nián)” is both a noun and a measure word. So here “年” is a measure word, so you do not need to add other measure words.

For example:
Wǒ yǐjīng gōngzuò liǎng nián le.
我   已经     工作       两     年 了。
I have already worked for two years.

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