YCT Writing Test Prep Course

Our YCT (Young Learners Chinese Test) Writing Test Prep courses are suitable for non-Chinese speakers (under age 15) who intend to take the YCT writing test. The one-to-one prep courses are designed based on your level and specific needs. They are divided into 4 levels based upon the YCT writing test criteria.
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YCT Writing Prep Lessons Level 1
ico 05
YCT Writing Prep Lessons Level 2
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YCT Writing Prep Lessons Level 3
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YCT Writing Prep Lessons Level 4
What is YCT?
YCT (中小学生汉语考试 zhōng xiăo xuéshēng hànyŭ kăoshì) is the short form for the Young Learners Chinese Test, which is a Chinese proficiency test held by the Hanban for the non-native speaking Chinese learners under the age of 15. It consists of a speaking test and a writing test, which are independent of each other. The writing test is divided into four levels. YCT certificate can be used in applications for school transfer, study abroad programs and scholarships.
Equvalend to HSK Vocabulary (Words) Test Duration, Min Total Score Passing Score
YCT Level 1 - 80 35 200 120
YCT Level 2 HSK Level 1 150 50 200 120
YCT Level 3 HSK Level 2 300 60 200 120
YCT Level 4 HSK Level 3 600 85 300 180
YCT Speaking (Intermediate) - 21 100 60


watch ruiya and wenting
Ruiya and Wenting

Student Feedback

“The service is really good. There are wonderful people like Ivy, Natasha, and Jessie. Keep rocking guys and all the Best for everything.”
– Cynthia, Hong Kong
Aug. 16, 2016
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