Chinese Teaching Method

Individualized Instruction (II)
The method of “Individualized Instruction (II)” aims to deliver customized learning experience. By analyzing the specific needs and characteristics of each learner, a Chinese teacher adjusts the pace of teaching based on the ability of each individual and designs the most relevant teaching curriculum for each student.
Our qualified teaching team develops a series of personalized Chinese language study plans and progress reports for each student. They are based on each student’s level, pace, style, and even culture background.
Individualized Instruction stresses individual differences in the second language acquisition process. It offers alternative solutions for each learner to learn based on his/her specific interests and pace of learning. Before you sign up for the Chinese lessons with us, we strongly recommend that you take a free trial Chinese lesson first. By doing so, you will get an idea of how our system works, and whether this is the right approach for you.


watch jayshiro tashiro
Jayshiro Tashiro

Student Feedback

“I would like to express my great satisfaction with ECL(eChineseLearning) course. In my third month I am already able to construct small sentences and establish simple conversations in my current business travel to Taiwan. Through this course I realized that it is really possible to learn Chinese. Despite the difficulty, I am enjoying the learning process provided by your didactical methodology. I would like also to attest competence of ECL teachers, in particular of my primary teacher Lea. I feel ECL teachers very committed with my learning process. Congratulations. Keep up the outstanding performance.”
– Carlos Santos, France
Aug. 12, 2017
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