Mini-Test Answer: C

Elementary Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this test is C.


Kuài kàn duìmiàn nàge nǚhái.
Mike: 快     看    对面       那个 女孩。

Look at that girl over there.

Měinǚ a.
Nate: 美女   啊。

So beautiful!

Shì a, xīndòng le ba.
Mike: 是 啊,心动    了吧!

Yes, makes your heart throb, right?


In the above dialogue, a term frequently used in daily life appears, “心动 (xīndòng).” It means to be moved by something or someone, or for one’s heart to be made to throb. When it is used in reference to people, it typically means to have romantic feelings towards another person. You can also say “动心 (dòngxīn)” to express the same meaning.

Xīndòng bù rú xíngdòng, gǎnjǐn qù tǐyàn yí xià ba.
心动       不 如 行动,      赶紧  去 体验 一 下吧!

Better to move than to be moved, experience it now!

Wǒ yǐjīng hǎo jiǔ méiyǒu guò zhè zhǒng xīndòng le.
我   已经   好  久   没有     过   这    种      心动    了。

I haven’t had my heart throbbing like this for a long time.

Tā duì wǒ yǒu diǎnr xīndòng.
她  对  我   有   点儿   心动。

She has a crush on me.

Tā de mèilì bù néng lìng tā dòngxīn.
他   的 魅力 不 能     令  她   动心。

She was impervious to his charms.

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2 thoughts on “Mini-Test Answer: C”

  1. “动心 (dòngxīn)” has the same meaning with “心动 (xīndòng).”
    Please see the Analysis:
    In the above dialogue, a term frequently used in daily life appears, “心动 (xīndòng).” It means to be moved by something or someone, or for one’s heart to be made to throb. When it is used in reference to people, it typically means to have romantic feelings towards another person. You can also say “动心 (dòngxīn)” to express the same meaning.

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