Chinese Culture

Get a Chinese Name

Get your Chinese name now! We’ve prepared a list of popular English names and their corresponding Chinese names by gender. Pronunciation guide is also provided in Pinyin. The Chinese names are mainly translated based on the pronunciation of the English names. The English names listed

Foodie’s Challenge: Have You Tried These Chinese Delicacies?

?️ Foodie’s Challenge:

Have You Tried These Chinese ?Delicacies?

Do You Know Which Cities These ?Delicacies Originate From? ?

Feel free to leave a comment and share your experiences with Chinese delicacies. ?

Which delectable dishes have you tried? How do you feel about them? …

Chinese Culture: What Are the Differences Between the Fèng Huáng and the Pheonix?

In traditional Chinese culture, the Fèng huáng (凤凰), or Chinese phoenix, often symbolizes good luck and auspiciousness. You may have heard some of these Chinese four-character idioms before, such as Lóng fèng chéng xiáng (龙凤呈祥) and Fèng huáng yú fēi (凤凰于飞), they are used …

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