March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is a holiday celebrating women all over the world, recognizing their accomplishments and reminding people everywhere to continue working towards unity in fighting for the equal rights of women and men.

History of International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8, and is a legal holiday in many countries. In addition to focusing on women’s rights, Women’s Day also celebrates women’s important contributions in economic, political and social fields.
The first Women’s Day was held in New York on February 28, 1909 by the Socialist Party of America. On March 8, 1917, in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg, women textile workers held strikes and processions throughout the city, which also led to the beginning of the Russian Revolution. Seven days later, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, and the provisional government ensured that women had the right to vote.

How International Women’s Day is Celebrated
On March 8 every year, different people find different ways to celebrate women, especially those in their lives. This might take the form of gifts or words of appreciation, time off from work, or special events. At the end of the day, though, the most important thing (and the main idea behind the holiday), is that women are respected as much and treated equally as men – remember, actions (not presents) speak louder than words!

Key Words and Phrases Related to International Women’s Day
With these topics in mind, we’ve prepared some phrases that you might find useful when talking and reading about this important holiday.
1. 权利 (quán lì): n. right
This kind of “right” generally refers to the power that the law gives people to uphold and achieve their interests.
Wǒ men bù néng zuò jīn qián hé quán lì de nú lì ,ér yào zuò tā men de zhǔ rén.
我 们 不 能 做 金 钱 和 权 利 的 奴 隶,而 要 做 它 们 的 主 人。
We cannot be slaves of money and power, but masters of money and power.
Suī rán wǒ bù tóng yì nǐ de shuō fǎ ,dàn wǒ shì sǐ hàn wèi nǐ shuō huà de quán lì.
虽 然 我 不 同 意 你 的 说 法 ,但 我 誓 死 捍 卫 你 说 话 的 权 力。
Although I disagree with your point of view, I maintain your right to speak.
2. 举行 (jǔxíng): v. to hold (meeting, ceremony, etc.)
Wǒ men jiàng zài xià zhōu jǔ xíng kāi xué diǎn lǐ.
我 们 将 在 下 周 举 行 开 学 典 礼。
We will hold the opening ceremony next week.
3. 作斗争 (zuò dòu zhēng): v. to fight; to struggle
Wǒ men yào gǎn yú tóng gè zhǒng bù fǎ xíng wéi zuò dòu zhēng.
我 们 要 敢 于 同 各 种 不 法 行 为 作 斗 争。
We must dare to fight against all kinds of wrongdoing.
4. 纪念日 (jì niàn rì): n. anniversary; memorial day
Nǐ zhī dào jīn tiān shì shén me rì zi ma?
你 知 道 今 天 是 什 么 日 子 吗 ?
Do you know what day today is?
Wǒ zhī dào, jīn tiān shì wǒ men zài yī qǐ yī zhōu nián jì niàn rì.
我 知 道, 今 天 是 我 们 在 一 起 一 周 年 纪 念 日。
I know that today is our first anniversary of being together.

eChineseLearning’s Helping You Celebrate
This year on International Women’s Day, eChineseLearning will be doing our best to support women around the world in their endeavors – specifically their Chinese learning aspirations! All women can get in touch with us for FREE Chinese learning courses; no matter your level, no matter your goals, let us work with you to achieve them.
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