How to Bargain in China’s Market: Three Tricks for Getting Your Desired Goods Easily!

Bargaining is a common practice in China, particularly in markets, street stalls, and tourist shops. To secure a favorable deal and prevent overpaying, mastering these essential skills is crucial. Quickly obtain your desired products.

Compare prices

Get an idea of the market price and quality before purchasing. Don’t get swayed by high prices; visit different merchants or check online platforms like Taobao or Jingdong to compare prices. Set a bottom line for yourself.

Maintain attitude

Bargaining involves emotions and expectations. Stay polite and friendly while expressing your bottom line. Start negotiating around two-thirds of the merchant’s asking price and gradually increase it. Generally, you can reach a mutually acceptable price through negotiation.


Xiǎo Míng: Nǐ hǎo! Qǐng wèn zhè chuàn pú tao duō shǎo qián?
Xiaoming: Hello! How much does this bunch of grapes cost?

Lǎo Bǎn: Wǒ bāng nǐ chēng yí xià, yī gòng shì 35 yuán.
Vendor: Let me weigh it for you. It’s a total of 35 yuan.

Xiǎo Míng: Yǒu diǎn guì, néng bù néng pián yi diǎn!
Xiaoming: It’s a bit expensive. Can you make it cheaper?

Lǎo Bǎn: Shǎo nǐ 5 kuài qián, 30 yuán.
Vendor: I’ll give you a discount of 10 yuan, making it 30 yuan.

Xiǎo Míng: Dǎ ge zhé ba! 25 yuán zěnme yàng? Jiāo ge péng yǒu!
Xiaoming: Can you give me a discount? How about 25 yuan? Let’s be friends!

Lǎo Bǎn: 28 yuán! Bù néng zài dī le!
Vendor: 28 yuan! No lower!

Xiǎo Míng: Chéng jiāo! Xiè xiè lǎo bǎn!
Xiaoming: Deal! Thank you!

Use the walk away tactic

If the merchant refuses to lower the price, consider pretending to give up and leave the store or stall. Remember that merchants often have high profit margins. Most merchants will stop you and agree to your offer. If not, explore other options for potentially better choices.


Xiǎo Míng: Zhè tiáo wéi jīn zěn me mài?
Xiaoming: How much is this scarf?

Lǎo Bǎn: Yī kǒu jià 300 yuán.
Vendor: The fixed price is 300 yuan.

Xiǎo Míng: Tài guì la! Wǎng shàng zhǐ yào yī bǎi duō! 150 kě yǐ ma?
Xiaoming: That’s too expensive. It’s only a little over a hundred online! Can you do 150 yuan?

Lǎo Bǎn: Mài bù liǎo, zhè yàng wǒ jiù pēi běn le!
Vendor: I can’t sell it at that price. I’ll be at a loss!

Xiǎo Míng: Hǎo ba, nà suàn le! Wǒ qù bié de diàn pu kàn kan!
Xiaoming: Alright, then forget it! I’ll go check out other stores.

Lǎo Bǎn: Děng deng! 150 jiù 150, xiàn jīn hái shì sǎo mǎ zhuǎn zhàng?
Vendor: Wait! 150 yuan it is. Cash or scan code transfer?

Xiǎo Míng: Xiè xiè lǎo bǎn! Wǒ yòng xiàn jīn!
Xiaoming: Thank you! I’ll pay in cash.

Did you learn it? Have you ever haggled in China? Feel free to tell me in the comments section!

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