Mini-test Answer: 喜气洋洋 (Advanced)

Advanced Level 高级 (gāojí)

Correct Answer: C


A. “喜从天降 (xǐcóngtiānjiàng)” is the Chinese phrase for “a
heaven-sent fortune.”

“喜 ()” means happiness and “从 (cóng)” means from. “天 (tiān)” means
sky in this context and “降 (jiàng)” means to fall.

B.  “喜出望外 (xǐchūwàngwài)” is the Chinese phrase for “to be

“喜 ()” means happiness and “出 (chū)” means to go out. “望(wàng)”
means hope and “外 (wài)” means outside.

C. “喜气洋洋 (xǐqìyángyáng)” is the Chinese phrase for “to be ful
of happiness.”

“喜 ()” means happiness and “气 ()” means atmosphere. “洋 (yáng)”
literally means ocean.

D. “喜怒哀乐 (xǐnù’āilè)” is the Chinese phrase for “the gamut of
human feelings.

“喜 ()” means happiness and “怒 ()” means anger. “哀 (āi)” means
grief and “乐 ()” means joy.

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