Mini-Test Answer: 二十元

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is B.


    Zhè běn shū duōshǎo qián?
A: 这     本    书      多少      钱?
How much is this book?

    Èrshí yuán
B: 二十     元
Twenty yuan.


There are both Arabic numerals and traditional Chinese characters on the RMB notes:

A. “十元” means “10 yuan,” and its traditional form is “拾元.”

B. “二十元” means “20 yuan,” and its traditional form is “贰拾元.”

C. “三十元” means “30 yuan,” and its traditional form is “叁拾元.”

D. “一百元” means “100 yuan,” and its traditional form is “壹佰元.”

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