Mini-test Answer: 耳旁风 (Advanced)

Advanced Level 高级 (gāojí)

Correct Answer: D


A. “掩耳盗铃 (yǎněrdàolíng)” is the phrase for “Deceive oneself.”

“掩 (yǎn)” means covering and “耳 (ěr)” refers to ears. “盗 (dào)” means
stealing and “铃 (líng)” refers to bell.

B. “隔墙有耳 (géqiángyǒu’ěr)” is the phrase for “Walls have ears.”

“隔 ()” means separating and “墙 (qiáng)” refers to wall. “有 (yǒu)”
means having and “耳 (ěr)” refers to ears.

C. “耳听为虚 (ěrtīngwéixū)” is the phrase for “What you hear may
be false.”

“耳 (ěr)” refers to ears and “听 (tīng)” means hearing. “为 (wéi)” means be
and “虚()” means false.

D. “耳旁风 (ěrpángfēng)” is the phrase to “Turn a deaf ear to

“耳 (ěr)” refers to ears and “旁 (páng)” means aside. “风 (fēng)” refers to

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