Mini-Test Answer: Drool

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer to this test is A.

Gēmen, bié dīngzhe měinǚ kàn le, nǐ dōu liúkǒushuǐ le.
哥们,      别   盯着       美女  看  了,你 都   流口水   了。
Buddy, don’t stare at those beautiful girls. You are drooling.


A: “流口水 (liúkǒushuǐ)” means “drool.”

B: “嘴 (zuǐ)” means “mouth.”

C: “水 (shuǐ)” means “water.”

In Chinese, when you see delicious food, you can say “流口水 (liúkǒushuǐ).” When you are gazing at beautiful girls or handsome boys, you can also say “流口水 (liúkǒushuǐ).” For examples:

Tā yí kàndào měiwèi de shíwù jiù liúkǒushuǐ.
她 一 看到      美味   的 食物   就   流口水。
She drooled when she saw the delicious food.

Dìdi zhēn shì ge huāchī, kàndào měinǚ jiù liúkǒushuǐ.
弟弟 真    是  个   花痴, 看到      美女   就    流口水。
My little brother is such a flirt. He drools over all the beautiful girls.

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