Mini-Test Answer: B. Mike’s Handsome.

Elementary Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this test is B.


          Nǐ juéde Mike zhège rén zěnmeyàng?
Mary: 你 觉得 Mike  这个   人    怎么样?
          What do you think of Mike?

          Hái bú cuò, jiù shì yǒu diǎnr èr.
Lucy: 还   不 错,就  是   有  点儿 二。
          He’s not a bad guy, but he’s a little bit foolish.


The above test is based upon a conversation between Lucy and Mary who are talking about a guy named Mike. Lucy’s response contains two parts. One is “还不错 (hái bú cuò)” which means not bad, it’s ok or it’s nice. It can be used to describe a person or a thing.

For examples:
Tā zhège rén hái bú cuò.
他   这个   人   还 不   错。
He’s a nice guy.

Zhèjiàn yīfu hái bú cuò.
这件    衣服 还 不   错。
This dress is not bad.

Another part of Lucy’s response is “就是有点儿二 (jiù shì yǒu diǎnr èr)” which means a little bit foolish. “二 (èr)” is a Chinese character meaning two, but has recently gained another meaning, “foolish.” It’s currently a fairly popular word in China. People usually use “二 (èr)” to describe someone who fails to speak properly, does things without considering the consequences, or is careless and casual. When it’s used among friends, it’s usually done in a joking manner.

For example:

Tā shuōhuà yìbān dōu hěn èr.
他    说话      一般   都   很 二。
He generally speaks very foolishly. 
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