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Cóngqián yŏu gè fàngyáng wá, měitiān dōu qù shān shàng fàngyáng.
从前 有 个 放羊 娃, 每天 都 去 山 上 放羊。
There once was a shepherd boy who grazed the sheep on a hillside every day.
Yì tiān, tā jué de shífēn wúliáo, jiù xiăng le gè zhuōnòng dàjiā xúnkāixīn de zhŭyì. Tā xiàng zhe shān xià
一 天,他 觉 得 十分 无聊,就 想 了 个 捉弄 大家 寻开心 的 主意。他 向 着 山 下
zhèng zài zhòngtián de nóngfūmen dàshēng de hăn: “Láng láile, láng láile, jiùmìng ā.”
正 在 种田 的 农夫们 大声 地 喊:“狼 来了,狼 来了,救命 啊。”
One day, he was so bored that he had an idea to make fun of others. Then he shouted loudly to the farmers farming at the foot of the hill: “The wolf is coming. The wolf is coming. Help!”
(Video lesson: Ask for help in Chinese!)
Nóngfūmen tīng dào hănshēng jímáng názhe chútou hé liándāo wăng shān shàng păo, tāmen biān păo
农夫们 听 到 喊声 急忙 拿着 锄头 和 镰刀 往 山 上 跑, 他们 边 跑
biān hăn: “Bú yào pà, háizi, wŏmen lái bāng nĭ dă èláng.” Nóngfūmen qìchuănxūxū de găn dào shān
边 喊:“不 要 怕,孩子,我们 来 帮 你 打 恶狼。” 农夫们 气喘吁吁 地 赶 到 山
shàng yí kàn, lián láng de yĭngzi yě méiyŏu.
上 一 看,连 狼 的 影子 也 没有。
After hearing the shouts of “Help,” the farmers ran up to the hill hastily as they shouted: “Don’t fear, boy! We will help you.”
Fàngyáng wá hāhā dà xiào: “Zhēn yŏu yìsi, nĭmen shàngdàngle.” Nóngfūmen shēngqì de zŏu le.
放羊 娃 哈哈 大 笑:“真 有 意思,你们 上当了。” 农夫们 生气 地 走 了。
The boy laughed loudly: “It’s funny. You are fooled.” The farmers left angrily.
Dì èr tiān, fàngyáng wá gùjìchóngyăn, shànliáng de nóngfūmen yòu chōng shàng lái bāng tā dă láng, kě
第 二 天, 放羊 娃 故伎重演, 善良 的 农夫们 又 冲 上 来 帮 他 打 狼,可
hái shì méiyŏu jiàn dào láng de yĭngzi. Fàngyáng wá xiào de zhí bù qĭ yāo: “Hāhā hāhā, nĭmen yòu
还 是 没有 见 到 狼 的 影子。 放羊 娃 笑 得 直 不 起 腰:“哈哈 哈哈,你们 又
shàngdàngle, hāhā hāhā.
上当了, 哈哈 哈哈。
The next day, the boy went on with this same trick. And the kind farmers ran up to the hill to help him again. The boy was convulsed with laughter: “You are fooled again.”
Dàhuŏ duì fàngyáng wá yī’érzài zài’érsān de shuōhuăng shí fēn shēngqì, cóngcĭ zài yě bù xiāngxìn tā de
大伙 对 放羊 娃 一而再 再而三 地 说谎 十 分 生气, 从此 再 也 不 相信 他 的
huà le.
话 了。
The farmers were angry with the boy’s continuous lying and never trusted his words again.
(Watch video lesson: Learn “I am mad!” in Chinese.)
Guò le jĭ tiān, láng zhēn de láile, yí xià zĭ chuăng jìnle yángqún, fàngyáng wá hàipà jí le, pīnmìng de
过 了 几 天,狼 真 的 来了,一 下 子 闯 进了 羊群, 放羊 娃 害怕 极 了,拼命 地
xiàng nóngfūmen hăn: “Láng láile, láng láile, kuài jiùmìng ya, láng zhēn de lái le.”
向 农夫们 喊:“狼 来了,狼 来了,快 救命 呀,狼 真 的 来 了。”
Several days later, a wolf came and got into the flock suddenly. The boy was terrified and shouted desperately to the farmers: “The wolf is coming. The wolf is coming. Help! The wolf is really coming.”
Nóngfūmen tīng dào tā de hănshēng, yĭwéi tā yòu zài shuōhuăng, dàjiā dōu bù lĭcăi tā, méiyŏu rén qù
农夫们 听 到 他 的 喊声, 以为 他 又 在 说谎, 大家 都 不 理睬 他,没有 人 去
bāng tā, jiéguŏ fàngyáng wá de xŭduō yáng dōu bèi láng yăosĭ le.
帮 他,结果 放羊 娃 的 许多 羊 都 被 狼 咬死 了。
The farmers heard his shouting and thought he lied again, so no one helped him. At last, many of his sheep were killed by the wolf.
1. 无聊 (wúliáo) adj. bored
2. 主意(zhŭyì) n. idea
3. 急忙(jímáng) adv. hastily
(Video lesson: Learn “hurry up” in Chinese!)
4. 故伎重演(gùjìchóngyăn) v. to play the same old trick
5. 一而再再而三(yī’érzài zài’érsān) adv. to do the same thing again and again
6. 害怕(hàipà) adj. afraid
7. 理睬(lĭcăi) v. to pay attention to
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Good story posted.