How Can Paige in Peppa Pig Increase Your Child’s Competency in Mandarin

Hello Parents! Welcome back to eChineseLearning! Today we will provide a new dimension through which to explore the magical world of Mandarin. We will introduce a unique, creative area of language study, one which transcends the typical grammar-led sessions and takes a deep dive into a wonderful culture – Peppa Pig! In Chinese, Peppa Pig is called 小猪佩奇 (Xiǎozhū Pèiqí).

The journey of language learning can be truly enhanced by incorporating as much audio and visual input as possible. Learning the language through cartoons really strengthens the learning process, and makes it much more fun!

Much like your children, young Chinese learners grasp a lot of their real-world knowledge, social etiquette, and cultural rigor, through the art of TV. Peppa Pig is a hugely popular TV show in China, and because it is pitched to a young audience, it makes for an easy stepping stone into a mindset of intellectual curiosity and authentic language acquisition.

Has your child ever thought about learning Chinese through media or cartoons? If not, then this lesson will certainly kindle further inspiration, as we take on the classic line from the childhood classic ‘Peppa Pig’, explain the linguistic meanings, and relate the content back to English to provide a solid foundation.

Now, our teachers have made a short video, introducing a classic line from Peppa Pig. Following on from the video, the corresponding linguistic elements we have employed are explained, to help your child navigate the sentence structure, and provide a basic framework to stimulate learning through conversation.

The Classic Line from ‘Peppa Pig’

Dàjiā hǎo wǒ shì Pèiqí,
大家 好 我 是 佩奇,
Hello everyone, this is Paige,

zhè shì wǒ de dìdi Qiáozhì,
这 是 我 的 弟弟 乔治,
this is my brother George,

zhè shì wǒ de māma,
这 是 我 的 妈妈,
this is my mother,

zhè shì wǒ de bàba.
这 是 我 的 爸爸。
and this is my father.

Key Learning Points

大家好 (dàjiā hǎo) hello everyone
我是 (wǒ shì) I’m
这是 (zhè shì) this is
我的弟弟 (wǒ de dìdi) my younger brother
我的妈妈 (wǒ de māma) my mother
我的爸爸 (wǒ de bàba) my father

Vocabulary Expansion

哥哥 (gēge) older brother
姐姐 (Jiějie) older sister
妹妹 (mèimei) younger sister
爷爷 (yéye) grandfather
奶奶 (nǎinai) grandma

Thank you ever so much for following along with this lesson. We truly hope this has added a nice dose of ‘cultural learning’ to encourage further interest into the Chinese Language. Feel free to leave us a message, to tell us which cartoons your child likes, and we will continue to update our content in the future.

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“Summer Activity: Learn to Sing “xìngfú pāishǒu gē 幸福拍手歌” in Chinese with Your Child”
“The Perfect Chinese Song for Kindergarten Age Mandarin Learners”
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