Children’s Chinese Song: 小跳蛙 (xiǎo tiàowā) Leap Frog

Recently a parent of one of our students told us that her son loves this happy song. Studying songs like this can help students be more happy while studying Chinese and learn the language quicker. We hope it can help you too!

Leap Frog lyrics:

小跳蛙 (xiǎo tiàowā) Leap Frog

Kuàilè chítáng zāizhòng le mèngxiǎng jiù biàn chéng hǎiyáng.
快乐     池塘      栽种    了     梦想       就  变    成       海洋。
A happy pond planted the dream of becoming an ocean.

Gǔ de yǎnjīng, dà zuǐbā tóngyàng chàng de xiǎngliàng.
鼓  的   眼睛, 大 嘴巴     同样       唱     的     响亮。
The drums eyes and big mouth, singing the same sound.

Jiè wǒ yī shuāng xiǎo chìbǎng, jiù néng fēi xiàng tàiyáng.
借  我 一   双       小     翅膀, 就   能    飞   向    太阳。
Lend me a pair of wings, so I can fly to the sun.

Wǒ xiāngxìn qíjì jiù zài shēnshàng.
我     相信  奇迹 就 在     身上。
I believe in miracles.


Yǒu nǐ xiāngbàn, leap frog.
有 你    相伴, leap frog。
I have you to accompany me—leap frog.


Zìxìn chéngzhǎng, yǒu nǐ xiāngbàn, leap frog.
自信     成长,       有 你    相伴, leap frog。
Self-confidently growing, I have you to accompany me—leap frog.

Kuàilè de yī zhī xiǎo qīngwā, leap frog.
快乐   的 一 只  小    青蛙,leap frog。
One happy little frog—leap frog.

Kuàilè de yī zhī xiǎo qīngwā, leap frog.
快乐   的 一 只  小    青蛙,leap frog。
One happy little frog—leap frog.

Kuàilè de chítáng lǐmiàn yǒu zhī xiǎo qīngwā.
快乐   的    池塘   里面   有  只    小    青蛙,
A happy pond has a little frog inside,

Tā tiào qǐ wǔ lái jiù xiàng bèi wángzǐ fùtǐ le.
它  跳  起 舞 来  就   像   被  王子  附体 了。
It dances like its manipulated by a prince.

Kù kù de yǎnshén, méiyǒu nǎ zhī qīngwā néng bǐměi.
酷 酷  的    眼神, 没有      哪  只  青蛙     能    比美。
Cool look in its eyes, there is none that can rival this frog.

Zǒng yǒu yī tiān tā huì bèi gōngzhǔ huànxǐng le.
总      有   一  天  它 会 被    公主         唤醒    了。
One day it will be awakened by a princess.

La…… leap frog
啦…… leap frog
La… leap frog

La…… leap frog
啦…… leap frog
La… leap frog

Tā shì yī zhī xiǎo tiàowā, yuè guò lánsè dàxīyáng.
它 是  一 只  小    跳蛙,  越   过    蓝色   大西洋。
It is a little leap frog, crossing the blue Atlantic.

Tiào dào yáoyuǎn de dōngfāng, tiào dào wǒmen shēnpáng.
跳     到     遥远    的    东方,     跳   到   我们     身旁。
Jumping to the far East, jumping to our side.

Chūn xià qiū dōng, wǒmen shì zuìhǎo de huǒbàn.
春      夏  秋    冬,   我们   是  最好   的    伙伴。
Spring, summer, autumn and winter—we are the best partners.

Qīnwěn tā jiù huì biàn dé bù yíyàng.
亲吻     它 就 会    变  得  不   一样。
Kiss it and it will become different.


Biàn biàn biàn, leap frog.
变    变    变, leap frog.
Change, change, change, leap frog.


Zìxìn chéngzhǎng, yǒu nǐ xiāngbàn, leap frog.
自信     成长,       有 你    相伴, leap frog。
Self-confidently growing, I have you to accompany me—leap frog.


Yǒu nǐ xiāngbàn, leap frog.
有 你    相伴, leap frog。
I have you to accompany me—leap frog.


Zìxìn chéngzhǎng, yǒu nǐ xiāngbàn, leap frog.
自信     成长,       有 你    相伴, leap frog。
Self-confidently growing, I have you to accompany me—leap frog.

Kuàilè de yī zhī xiǎo qīngwā, leap frog.
快乐   的 一 只  小    青蛙,leap frog。
A happy little frog—leap frog.

Kuàilè de yī zhī xiǎo qīngwā, leap frog.
快乐   的 一 只  小    青蛙,leap frog。
A happy little frog—leap frog.

New words

1.奇迹 (qíjì) – miracle; wonder.


Zhè quèshí shì gè qíjì.
这   确实    是 个 奇迹。
It was in truth a miracle.

2. 附体 (fùtǐ) to possess/manipulate (of a demon or spirit)


Tā hǎoxiàng bèi móguǐ fùtǐ le.
他    好像    被   魔鬼   附体  了。
It seems like he was possessed by a demon.

3. 唤醒 (huànxǐng) – rouse; wake up; awaken.


Nà nàoshēng bǎ wǒ huànxǐng le.
那     闹声      把  我    唤醒   了。
That noise woke me up.

General Chinese (Beginner Level) 
General Chinese (Intermediate Level) 
Listen to more Chinese children songs:
Kids’ Chinese song: Planting the Sun (Beginner)
Chinese song: The Little Swallow (Elementary)
Chinese Song: Counting Ducks (Elementary)

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