One of the most useful and motivating topics for my Mandarin Chinese students is to talk about important life lessons using Chinese expressions and vocabulary.
So, what life lessons do we talk about?
Popular topics are: renting or buying a home, applying for visas and residency abroad, how to follow recipes and instructions in the kitchen, and because money is so important, some financial phrases are very common.
These phrases can be used for personal finance, or also in the business environment.
In today’s lesson, I’d like to introduce some of these important phrases to you.
Personal financing refers to the management of money and income in order to prosper in the future. Finance is often connected with “投资 (tóuzī) investment” because this is intertwined with finance.
Financial management also contains “风险管理 (fēngxiǎn guǎnlǐ) risk management.”
Owing to the uncertainty of future events both personally and also in the wider economy, including personal safety risk, property risk and market risk, all of which may affect the risk of income interruption or other unforeseen events that could put your financial situation in disarray, “风险管理 (fēngxiǎn guǎnlǐ) risk management” will help you balance this risk.
The stock is now a popular method of investment for Chinese citizens.
Investors are engaged in stock trading activities. The main goal is to make a “利润 (lìrùn) profit” by putting the “成本 (chéngběn) cost” into the stock market, according to the price difference.
All stock price spreads are subject to variation, especially in volatile market conditions.
Therefore, investors are also very concerned about the “涨 (zhǎng) rise,” “跌 (diē) fall,” and “停 (tíng) cease” of stocks in the market.
Common financial vocabulary terms:
涨 (Zhǎng) = rise, go up, swell
跌 (Diē) = fall, tumble, go down, drop
停 (Tíng) = stop, halt, stay, remain
成本 (Chéngběn) = prime cost, cost, capitalized cost, final cost
利润 (Lìrùn) = profit, gain, margin, return
Commonly used sentence structure:
1. 投资 (Tóuzī) =invest (投资 + noun)
投资房地产 (Tóuzī fángdìchǎn) = to invest in real estate
投资金融行业 (Tóuzī jīnróng hángyè) = investment finance industry
2. 风险 (Fēngxiǎn) = risk (some action + 风险)
交易风险 (Jiāoyì fēngxiǎn) = dealing with risks
营业风险 (Yíngyè fēngxiǎn) = operating risk
Examples of financial dialogue:
Tóuzī shì yǒu fēngxiǎn de.
Investment is risky.
Zuìjìn, gǔpiào xiàdiē le.
Recently, the stock has fallen.
Zuòshēngyì jiùshì wèile huòqǔ lìrùn.
The point of business is to make a profit.
So, I hope these practical Chinese lessons will be helpful to any Mandarin Chinese learner in the future. When applying your knowledge of Chinese to real-world situations, your skills will grow quickly!

Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows it.
Lǐ Míng: Xiǎo Jūn zěnme la? Tā hǎoxiàng hěn bù kāixīn.
李明:小军怎么啦? 他好像很不开心.
Wáng Qīng: Tā zuìjìn mǎi de yì zhī gǔpiào diē le hěnduō.
王青: 他最近买的一只股票跌了很多.
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Xiao Jun lost money on the stock he bought.
B. Xiao Jun made a profit from the stock he bought.
C. The stock that Xiao Jun bought had no change.
In her role as a teacher at eChineseLearning.com, she brings more than eight years of experience to the forefront, specializing in instructing Mandarin Chinese to students from diverse cultural backgrounds and actively engaging in the promotion of Chinese culture.
While her home is in Beijing, her heart belongs to the exploration of ancient Chinese villages, showcasing her deep-seated love for travel. One day she’d like to be a tour guide in China!
Know About the Economy Situation in China
Popular Words-金融危机(Jīnróng wēijī) Financial Crisis
4 Things You Must Know Before Doing Business in China
Business Chinese
General Chinese (Beginner Level)
General Chinese (Intermediate Level)
I love this lesson. Very helpful. Now, in the business field, some of the Chinese businessmen can’t speak English. I really need these business phrases to communicate with them. Thank you so much!!