Deciphering the IB Mandrain B: Unraveling the Reading Section and Exploring Cultural Context

In order to effectively analyze and understand the reading section of IB Chinese B, it is essential to delve into the questions.Let’s explore this real reading question together.

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It can be seen from the words under the title “校刊第五十期” that this is an article in the school magazine.


In China, we also call“阴历” as“农历”, and the “阴历” is opposite to“阳历”. “阳历” is also called “太阳历”, which refers to the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun, while “阴历” is also called “太阴历”, which refers to the time it takes the moon to orbit the earth. “公历” is the current internationally accepted calendar and is used in most places in the world. It is a type of solar calendar, and “国历” also refers to the “阳历”, so only option C meets the requirements.


We use the elimination method. First, the first option is eliminated. There is almost no content about ancestor worship in the article, and the last option is not mentioned. The next two options are relatively easy to confuse. Let’s look at the first paragraph. We found that in the first sentence “2018年10月7日是阴历9月初9,是中国传统节日“重阳节”,因为九月初九的“九九”与“久久”同音,所以常在这一天祭祖和敬老”. From here we can see that the purpose of the activities of respecting the elderly is to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. Although the whole article talks about activities of respecting the elderly, the main purpose is to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival.


It can be seen from the content of the article that the old people were drinking tea and talking about their own stories when they were young. It can be seen that this is a tea party, and it can be seen from the first sentence of the following paragraph “在茶话会之后” .”茶话会” should be the choice.


It can be seen from the words “散步、打羽毛球、下棋”, described recreational activities ,so choose“娱乐活动”.


From the paragraph “我们带去了我校学生做的精美的手工艺品,在活动快结束时送给爷爷奶奶们“, we can see that the children finally took a group photo after giving the gifts to the elderly, So the answer is “赠送礼品”.

16.尊老 爱老

From the last paragraph of the article, “尊老爱老一直是中华民族的传统美德” we can see that our traditional virtue is “尊老” and“爱老”.


“不仅” means beyond a certain range and quantity, “不单” also means this. The two words are synonyms.


The only words related to listening in the paragraph are “倾听”,and “倾听” means listening carefully and paying attention, so the answer is “倾听”.


“沟通” means communicating and talking with someone. It is the process of transmitting and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and groups, in order to achieve agreement on thoughts and smooth feelings. “交流” means that each other provides each other with what they have. Both words have the same meaning.

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