AP Chinese Sample Test Question:
A. 我是美国人。
B. 我学习汉语。
C. 我住在英国。
D. 我要去中国。
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A. 我是美国人。
B. 我学习汉语。
C. 我住在英国。
D. 我要去中国。
See more AP Chinese tests here
I have a question after reading this Chinese conversation: how to say “I am a freshman in college” in Chinese when I introduce myself?
You can say “我是大一新生(wǒ shì dà yī xīn shēnɡ)”.
I would like to introduce my major too. Could anyone tell me how can I say “My major is physics” in a Chinese conversation?
My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.
Hello, I think your blog is great!
Austin you can say “我的专业是物理。” (wǒ dē zhuān yè shì wù lǐ)