Answer to Worried About Being Late? Test Yourself with This HSK 3 Quiz

Answer: B

Anna: Zhēn bàoqiàn, wǒ chídào le.
Anna:   真     抱  歉,我   迟到  了。
Anna: I am so sorry for being late.

Bob: Méiguānxi, biǎoyǎn háiyǒu sān fēnzhōng cái kāishǐ.
Bob:  没   关 系,表  演   还  有  三   分   钟     才  开 始。
Bob: It’s OK. There are still three minutes before the show starts.

A. 辛苦 (Xīnkǔ): tiring; exhausting.

B. 抱歉 (Bàoqiàn): sorry; apology.

C. 好 (Hǎo): good; great.

From Bob’s answer “It’s OK. There are still three minutes before the show starts,” you can infer that the first sentence is essentially an apology. In Chinese, we often use “对不起 (duìbùqǐ)” or “抱歉 (bàoqiàn)” to apologize. Accordingly, we will get responses like Bob’s—“没关系 (méiguānxi)” after someone says sorry. Additionally, we can deduce that from Anna’s lateness that she might actually need to apologize.
Of all three choices, only B addresses an apology. A and C do not have a function in this sentence.
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