中国创业板开盘 (Zhōngguó chuàngyèbăn kāipán) China Launches Growth Enterprise Market


中国创业板开盘(Zhōngguó chuàngyèbăn kāipán) China Launches Growth Enterprise Market
Origin and Meaning

The 创业板(chuàngyèbăn),Growth Enterprise Market, occupies an important position in capital markets all around the world. Up until the beginning of 2009, China was the only country not possessing its own Growth Enterprise Market, out of the ten countries with the highest GDP. The Growth Enterprise Market in China 开盘(kāipán) opens on Oct 23, 2009. GEM is a pressing need for the continued innovation of the Chinese financial market, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. As for the investor, it has more risk than the main board market, but there will also be more returns here.

创业板(chuàngyèbăn) Growth Enterprise Market

创业板(chuàngyèbăn) Growth Enterprise Market is called the second board stock market, serving the small, medium-sized, and new enterprises, which cannot be on the main board market yet. 创业(chuàngyè) means starting business and 板(băn) refers to board.

开盘(kāipán) Opening Quote

In the stock market, the word 开盘(kāipán) opening quote is called many times. The first knock-down price of every securities is called the opening quote price or opening quotation. 开(kāi) means opening and 盘(pán) refers to dish.

股票(gŭpiào) Stock

股票(gŭpiào): 股(gŭ) means part or share and 票(piào) refers to ticket or vote.

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