Nursery Rhyme-The Little Donkey

小毛驴(xiǎo máolǘ) The Little Donkey 

Wǒ yǒu yìzhī xiǎo máolǘ wǒ cónglái yě bù qí.
我   有   一只 小    毛驴    我 从来     也 不 骑。
I have a little donkey but I never tried to ride it.

Yǒu yìtiān wǒ xīnxuèláicháo qí zhe qù gǎnjí.
有    一天  我  心血来潮       骑  着  去  赶集。
One day on a whim I rode him into the market.

Wǒ shǒulǐ názhe xiǎo píbiān wǒ xīnlǐ zhèng déyì.
我   手里   拿着    小   皮鞭    我 心里 正      得意。
I had a little whip in my hand and I was feeling very proud of myself.

Bù zhī zěnme huā lā lā lā lā,
不  知 怎么     哗  啦 啦 啦啦,
I didn’t know how it whooshed!

Wǒ shuāi liǎo yìshēn ní.
我    摔     了  一身    泥。
I was thrown into the mud!


1. 骑(qí): v. ride

Wǒ xǐhuan qí mǎ.
我  喜欢     骑 马。
I like to ride horses.

2. 拿(ná): v. hold

Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ ná shūbāo ma?
你 可以 帮     我 拿  书包     吗?
Can you help me carry the bag?

HSK 3 quiz

1. What is the man in the picture doing?

3000753 1

A. 喂马(wèi mǎ)
B. 骑马(qí mǎ)
C. 买马(mǎi mǎ)

2. For which of the following actions will you use your hands?
A. 拿(ná)
B. 走(zǒu)
C. 唱(chàng)

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