Chinese Character: 吃 (chī) Eat

拼音(pīnyīn) pin yin: chī
笔画(bĭhuà) number of strokes: 6
含义(hányì) meaning: eat
笔顺(bĭshùn) stroke order:
1) eat; take
吃早饭(chī zăofàn): have breakfast
吃奶(chīnăi): take milk from mother
2) live off
吃父母(chī fùmŭ): live off one’s parents
坐山吃山(zuò shān chī shān): live off the mountains where your home is
3) suffer; bear
吃苦(chīkŭ): to suffer
吃不了兜着走(chī bù liăo dōu zhe zŏu): be unable to bear; put oneself in serious trouble
1) 吃穿(chīchuān) food and clothing
讲究吃穿(jiăngjiū chīchuān): be particular over one’s food and clothing
不愁吃穿(bù chóu chīchuān): not have to worry about food and clothing
2) 吃喝玩乐(chīhēwánlè): seek pleasure
Wŏmen nándào méiyŏu bĭ chīhēwánlè gèng gāo de rénshēng mùbiāo ma?
我们 难道 没有 比 吃喝玩乐 更 高 的 人生 目标 吗?
Can’t we have a higher aim in life than mere pleasure-seeking?
3) 吃亏(chīkuī) suffer losses
Tā jīngcháng chīkuī.
他 经常 吃亏。
He often suffers losses.
4) 吃闭门羹(chī bìméngēng) be denied entrance
Dēng mén bàifăng zuò xiāoshòu, chángcháng chī bìméngēng
登 门 拜访 做 销售, 常常 吃 闭门羹。
Those who pay a visit to do sales are often denied entrance.