1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
Nán: Wèi, xiǎolǐ zàijiā ma?
男:喂, 小李 在家 吗?
Boy: Hello, is Xiao Li home?
Nǚ: Tā qù yīyuàn le.
女:她 去 医院 了。
Girl: She’s gone to the hospital.
Topic analysis: This tests students’ understanding of the meaning of the question being asked. When looking at this question, we can see that a phone call is being made, asking, “Is she at home?” A and B don’t fit the question, so we can eliminate those. Choose C.

Nán: Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yùndòng?
男:你 喜欢 什么 运动?
Boy: What sports do you like?
Nǚ: Wǒ xǐhuān tī zúqiú, yě xǐhuān dǎ lánqiú.
女:我 喜欢 踢 足球, 也 喜欢 打 篮球。
Girl: I like to play soccer and basketball.
Topic analysis: The word “soccer” and “basketball” belong to sports, so we can exclude B and C, and choose A.

Nán: Nǐ láiguò zhōngguó ma?
男:你 来过 中国 吗?
Boy: Have you ever been to China?
Nǚ: Méiyǒu, wǒ zhè shì dìyī cì.
女:没有, 我 这 是 第一 次。
Girl: No, this is my first time.
Topic analysis: This tests students’ understanding of the question being asked. C is the answer to the question of how to travel, which does not fit the meaning of the question, so that’s not the correct choice. The answer to the question being is “no”, and since A does not fit with “no” we can exclude it and choose B.

Nán: Nǐ de yǎnjīng hóng le.
男:你 的 眼睛 红 了。
Boy: Your eyes are red.
Nǚ: Wǒ zuótiān wǎnshàng shuì dé tài wǎn.
女:我 昨天 晚上 睡 得 太 晚。
Girl: I went to sleep too late last night.
Topic analysis: Given that the response is, “I went to sleep too late,” if we understand the relationship between the question being asked and the response, we can conclude that “eyes” have become red. Choose B.

Nán: Wàimiàn fēng hěn dà, hěn lěng.
男:外面 风 很 大, 很 冷。
Boy: Outside is very windy and cold.
Nǚ: Māma ràng nǐ duō chuān jiàn yīfu.
女:妈妈 让 你 多 穿 件 衣服。
Girl: Mom told you to put on more clothes.
Topic analysis: The answer is A. B and C don’t fit with the statement “it’s very cold”, so they are excluded, and A is chosen.