1. C-B-A-D
2. A-D-C-B
3. B-D-A-C
4. D-C-B-A
1. Answer: There is a mountain in the park.
Key part analysis: The measure word “坐 (zuò)” is used for larger or fixed objects, in this case, a mountain. Make sure you know your measure words!

Gōng yuán lǐ yǒu yí zuò shān.
公 园 里 有 一 座 山。
There is a mountain in the park.
2. Answer: Teacher Wang teaches us Chinese.
Key part analysis: The verb “教 (jiāo)” meaning “teach”, the noun “我们 (wǒ men) meaning “we”, and the word “汉语 (hàn yǔ)” meaning “Chinese” form a double object structure: S+V+direct object (person)+indirect object (object). Spend some time studying this grammar pattern!

Wáng lǎo shī jiāo wǒ men hàn yǔ.
王 老 师 教 我 们 汉 语。
Mr. Wang teaches us Chinese.
3. Answer: There is a car driving quickly on the road.
Key part analysis: “辆 (liàng)” is a measure word used for vehicles, in this case, a car.
The verb structure “V+着 (zhe)” indicates a continuous action. The overall sentence structure used is Place word+V+着+O. The key here is making sure to understand the word order!

Lù shàng pǎo zhe yí liàng qì chē.
路 上 跑 着 一 辆 汽 车。
There is a car driving quickly on the road.
4. Answer: You have to study hard.
The verb “要 (yào)” is used here to mean “should” or “must”. The verb “努力 (nǔ lì)” means to do something with all one’s strength or effort. In this situation “学习 (xué xí)”, meaning “to study”, is a noun, which combines to form a verb-object structure. The sentence pattern S+Adv+V+O is used. Be aware that there are different ways to use the verb “要”!

Nǐ yào nǔ lì xué xí.
你 要 努 力 学 习。
You have to study hard.