Tom: Jenny, nǐ juéde Jack zhège rén zěnme yàng?
Tom: Jenny, 你 觉得 Jack 这个 人 怎么样?
Tom: Jenny, what do you think of Jack?
Jenny: Wǒ bú tài xǐhuan tā, tā yí dùzi de huāhuāchángzi.
Jenny: 我 不 太 喜欢 他,他 一肚子的 花花肠子。
Jenny: I don’t really like him, ______ .
Why doesn’t Jenny like Jack?
A. Because she thinks that Jack’s intestines are terrible.
B. Because she thinks that Jack is a deceitful person.
C. Because she thinks that Jack has ovaries.
D. Because she thinks that Jack’s intestines are like flowers.