Video Lesson: What Strange Weather We’re Having Today!

A sunny morning, a cloudy afternoon, and a rainy evening…

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: John, nǐ méi dài sǎn ma?
    B: Méiyǒu. Tiānqì yùbào shuō jīntiān shì qínɡtiān.
    What did John think the weather would be like today according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Sunny
    B. Cloudy
    C. Rainy
2. Weatherman: Xiànzài wǒmen kàn Běijīng de tiānqì. _________.
    What is he most likely going to say? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Běijīng míngtiān shì qíngtiān.
    B. Běijīng míngtiān shì yīntiān.
    C. Běijīng míngtiān xiàyǔ.
3. A: Lǐ Míng, wǒ xiǎng qù tīqiú, nǐ qù ma?
    B: Wǒ bú qù. It’s so cloudy outside, it might rain later.
    What’s the weather like now according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. qíngtiān
    B. xiàyǔ
    C. yīntiān
4. A: John, zuótiān de yuēhuì zěnmeyànɡ?
    B: Terrible. We were caught in a heavy rain.
    What was the weather like yesterday for John’s date according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Zuótiān shì qínɡtiān.
    B. Zuótiān xiàyǔ.
    C. Zuótiān shì yīntiān.
5. A: Lǐ Míng, nǐ xǐhuan shénme tiānqì?
    B: Ever since I watched the musical Singing in the Rain, I fell in love with that weather.
    What can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Lǐ Míng xǐhuan qínɡtiān.
    B. Lǐ Míng xǐhuan yīntiān.
    C. Lǐ Míng xǐhuan xiàyǔ.
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