Video Lesson: Beautiful but Dangerous

“Darling, you have no house, no car and no fancy ring. But… I still love you.”

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Lǐ Lán, kàn, zhèi fù ěrhuán piào bú piàoliɑng?
B: Suīrán tǐng piàoliɑng de, dànshì yǒu diǎn’r guì.
What does Li Lan mean? Please choose the best answer.
A. She thinks the earrings are nice and cheap.
B. She thinks the earrings are a little overpriced.
C. She thinks the earrings are well worth their price.
2. A: Becky, why did you break up with Alex? Tā hěn shuài a!
B: Kěshì tā hěn wúliáo.
Why did Becky break up with Alex according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Becky thinks Alex is ugly.
B. Becky thinks Alex is cheating.
C. Becky thinks Alex is boring.
3. A: Becky, nǐ búshì qù Ellie jiā le ma? Why are you still here?
B: Wǒ qù le, __________.
What is Becky most likely going to say? Please choose the best answer.
A. dànshì Ellie méi zàijiā.
B. yīnwèi Ellie méi zàijiā.
C. kěshì Ellie zàijiā.
4. A: Becky, wǎnshang qù hē yì bēi, zěnmeyàng?
B: Wǒ hěn xiǎng qù, dànshì wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān. Wǒ jiābān’r ne.
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Becky bù xiǎng qù jiǔbā, yīnwèi tā méiyǒu shíjiān.
B. Becky yǒu shíjiān, dànshì tā bù xiǎng qù jiǔbā.
C. Becky xiǎng qù jiǔbā, kěshì tā méiyǒu shíjiān.
5. A: Zhè ge fángzi hěn piàoliɑng ba, Wáng tàitai? Yìbǎi wàn, shǒufù bǎi fēn zhī sānshí.
B: _____________.
What would Ms. Wang most likely say next? Please choose the best answer.
A. Suīrán fángzi hěn piàoliang, suǒyǐ hěn dà.
B. Fángzi suīrán hěn piàoliang, dànshì tài guì le.
C. Fángzi suīrán hěn piàoliang, huòzhě tǐng xiǎo de.
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