Video Lesson: A Promise Is A Promise

Do you know how to make promises in Chinese?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Nǐ kànkan, yǒu méiyǒu qiǎng nǐ bāo de rén?
A: 你看看,有没有抢你包的人?
B: Shì tā!
B: 是他!
A: Nǐ quèdìng ma?
A: 你确定吗?
B: Ǹg, kěndìng shì tā! Wǒ fāshì!
B: 嗯,肯定是他!我发誓!
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.

A. The girl doesn’t know who robbed her.
B. The girl is not sure who robbed her.
C. The girl knows for sure who robbed her.

2. A: Becky, xiā jiǎo hǎochī ma?
A: Becky,虾饺好吃吗?
B: Wǒ bǎozhèng, nǐ chī le yǐhòu hái xiǎng chī!
B: 我保证,你吃了以后还想吃!
What does Becky mean? Please choose the best answer.
A. Becky méi chī guò xiā jiǎo.
A. Becky 没吃过虾饺。
B. Xiā jiǎo hěn hǎochī.
B. 虾饺很好吃。
C. Xiā jiǎo bù hǎochī.
C. 虾饺不好吃。
3. A: Chén Wěi, wǒ wèn nǐ: Wáng Yīng shì shéi?
A: 陈伟,我问你:王英是谁?
B: Tā zhǐshì ge tóngshì, wǒ fāshì!
B: 她只是个同事,我发誓!
What does Chen Wei means? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wang Ying is his colleague.
B. He doesn’t know Wang Ying.
C. Wang Ying is his lover.
4. A: Lǎoshī, zhèicì kǎoshì shéi shì dìyī míng?
A: 老师,这次考试谁是第一名?
B: Lǐ Míng. Wáng Yīng, nǐ shì dìèr míng.
B: 李明。王英,你是第二名。
A: Xiàcì kǎoshì wǒ yídìng yào ná dìyī! …
A: 下次考试我一定要拿第一!…
What is Wang Ying most likely going to say? Please choose the best answer.
A. Háo zhǔyì!
A. 好主意!
B. Děng yíxià!
B. 等一下!
C. Wǒ fāshì!
C. 我发誓!
5. A: Wǒ zuìjìn zhǎng le hěn duō dòu dou. Yīnggāi yòng nǎzhǒng xǐmiànnǎi?
A: 我最近长了很多痘痘。应该用哪种洗面奶?
B: Nín kěyǐ shì shi zhèi zhǒng xǐmiànnǎi, xiàoguǒ búcuò. Zhǐyào sān bǎi liù shí yuán.
B: 您可以试试这种洗面奶,效果不错。只要三百六十元。
A: Sǎn bǎi liù? Tài guì le ba!
A: 三百六?太贵了吧!
B: It’s already the lowest price in the nearby shops. …
What is the salesgirl most likely going to say? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wǒ qǐngkè!
A. 我请客!
B. Wǒ bǎozhèng!
C. Xièxie nǐ!
C. 谢谢你!

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