Shān shànɡ yìzhī hǔ,
山 上 一只 虎,
There is a tiger in the mountain,
lín zhōng yìzhī lù,
林 中 一只 鹿,
there is a deer in the forest,
lù biān yìzhī zhū,
路 边 一只 猪,
there is a pig by the roadside,
cǎo lǐ yìzhī tù,
草 里 一只 兔,
there is a rabbit in the grass,
háiyǒu yìzhī shǔ.
还 有 一只 鼠。
there is also a rat.
Shǔ yì shǔ,
数 一 数,
Count them,
yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ,
one, two, three, four, five,
hǔ, lù, zhū, tù, shǔ.
Tigers, deer, pigs, rabbits and rats.
1. 一 yī numeral one
2. 二 èr numeral two
3. 三 sān numeral three
4. 四 sì numeral four
5. 五 wǔ numeral five
6. 虎 hǔ noun tiger

7. 鹿 lù noun deer

8. 猪 zhū noun pig

9. 兔 tù noun rabbit

10. 鼠 shǔ noun rat

1. Which is the correct translation for “three tigers?”
A. 三只虎(sān zhī hǔ)
B. 五只鼠(wǔ zhī shǔ)
C. 四只鹿(sì zhī lù)
2. Which kind of animal is in the picture?

A. 猪(zhū)
B. 兔(tù)
C. 鼠(shǔ)
3. When counting things, you can say ____.
A. 一(yī)、两(liǎng)、三(sān)、四(sì)、五(wǔ)
B. 一(yī)、二(èr)、三(sān)、四(sì)、五(wǔ)
C. 五(wǔ)、四(sì)、三(sān)、二(èr)、一(yī)