Tongue Twister – Tigers, Deer, Pigs, Rabbits And Rats

Shān shànɡ yìzhī hǔ,
山      上       一只 虎,

There is a tiger in the mountain,
lín zhōng yìzhī lù,
林  中      一只 鹿,

there is a deer in the forest,
lù biān yìzhī zhū,
路 边    一只 猪,

there is a pig by the roadside,
cǎo lǐ yìzhī  tù,
草  里 一只 兔,

there is a rabbit in the grass,
háiyǒu yìzhī shǔ.
还 有    一只 鼠。

there is also a rat.
Shǔ yì shǔ,
数   一  数,

Count them,
yī, èr,  sān, sì, wǔ,

one, two, three, four, five,
hǔ,  lù, zhū,  tù, shǔ.

Tigers, deer, pigs, rabbits and rats.


1.     一     yī     numeral     one

2.     二     èr     numeral     two

3.     三     sān     numeral     three

4.     四     sì      numeral     four

5.     五     wǔ     numeral     five

6.     虎     hǔ    noun          tiger

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7.     鹿     lù     noun     deer

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8.    猪     zhū    noun     pig

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9.     兔     tù     noun     rabbit

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10.    鼠     shǔ     noun     rat

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1. Which is the correct translation for “three tigers?”
A. 三只虎(sān zhī hǔ)
B. 五只鼠(wǔ zhī shǔ)
C. 四只鹿(sì zhī lù)
2. Which kind of animal is in the picture?

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A. 猪(zhū)
B. 兔(tù)
C. 鼠(shǔ)
3. When counting things, you can say ____.
A. 一(yī)、两(liǎng)、三(sān)、四(sì)、五(wǔ)
B. 一(yī)、二(èr)、三(sān)、四(sì)、五(wǔ)
C. 五(wǔ)、四(sì)、三(sān)、二(èr)、一(yī)

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