Tongue Twister-Counting The Dates

Chū dōngmén, guò dà qiáo, dà qiáo dǐ xià yí shù zǎo ,
出     东门,      过   大  桥, 大  桥   底 下 一  树  枣,
Going across the bridge after getting out of the eastern gate. There are a lot of dates on the tree.

Názhe gānzi qù dǎ zǎo, qīng de duō hóng de shǎo.
拿着    竿子  去  打 枣,    青   的  多    红     的  少。
Picking up the dates with the pole and the green ones outnumber the red ones.

Yìgè zǎo, liǎng gè zǎo, sān gè zǎo, sì gè zǎo, wǔ gè zǎo,
一个  枣, 两个     枣, 三个   枣,四个 枣, 五个  枣,
One date, two dates, three dates, four dates, five dates,

Liùgè zǎo, qīgè zǎo, bāgè zǎo, jiǔgè zǎo, shígè zǎo.
六个   枣,七个 枣, 八个  枣,  九个 枣,十个   枣。
Six dates, seven dates, eight dates, nine dates, ten dates,

Shígè zǎo, jiǔgè zǎo, bāgè zǎo, qīgè zǎo, liùgè zǎo,
十个   枣, 九个 枣, 八个 枣,  七个 枣,六个  枣,
Ten dates, nine dates, eight dates, seven dates, six dates,

Wǔgè zǎo, sìgè zǎo, sāngè zǎo, liǎnggè zǎo, yìgè zǎo.
五个   枣, 四个 枣,三个   枣,   两个    枣, 一个 枣,
Five dates, four dates, three dates, two dates, one date,

Zhè shì yíduàn ràokǒulìng, yí qì shuō wán cái suàn hǎo.
这    是  一段     绕口令,    一 气 说      完   才  算     好。
This is a tongue twister and you should say it from beginning to end without stopping.

1. 红 (hóng): a. red
Wǒ xǐhuan hóngsè!
我   喜欢    红色!
I like red!

2. 青 (qīng): a. green
Zhè shì yígè qīng píngguǒ.
这    是  一个 青    苹果。
This is a green apple.

3. 枣 (zǎo): n. date
Nǐ xǐhuan chī zǎo ma?
你 喜欢    吃  枣   吗?
Do you like to eat dates?


1. If you feel shy, then your face may turn___?
A. 青(qīng)
B. 白(bái)
C. 红(hóng)

2. What is it in the picture?
3000747 0

A. 枣(zǎo)
B. 苹果(píngguǒ)
C. 梨()

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