The correct answer is

Mother:我 的 儿子 这 次 考试 怎么样?
How was my son’s examination?
Teacher:他 的 成绩 很 不 错。
He did very well.
This test aims to check your understanding of the meaning of “不错 (búcuò)” as it does have more than one meaning. Let’s have a look at some of the meanings “不错 (bú cuò)” can have.
This is the meaning used in the conversation above. “不错 (búcuò)” means “not bad,” but Li Ming’s teacher adds the adverb “很 (hěn)” before “不错 (búcuò) to slightly change the meaning. “很不错” means “very good.” So the right answer for the question is B.
Jīntiān tiānqi búcuò.
今天 天气 不错。
Today is a nice day.
Answer C, “正确 (zhèngquè),” means “right.” “不错 (bú cuò)” can sometimes have this meaning.
Nǐ shuō de yě bú cuò
你 说 的 也 不 错。
What you said is also right.
Tā shì nǐ de gēge ma?
A:他 是 你 的 哥哥 吗?
Is he your brother?
Bú cuò, tā shì wǒ de gēge.
B:不 错, 他 是 我 的 哥哥。
Yes, he is my brother.
Answer A, “没有错误 (méiyǒu cuòwù)” means “without mistakes.” It also isn’t the right answer.
HSK Test
General Chinese (Beginner Level)
General Chinese (Intermediate Level)
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