Learn Chinese Online with eChineseLearning Learn Chinese Online with live Chinese teacher from China,One-to-One Chinese lesson helps you to learn the Chinese language better!
Learn Chinese Language China Study Abroad offers various programs to learn and study chinese language, read and write mandarin chinese in Beijing. You can learn Chinese Mandarin language at top Chinese Universities in China with CSA most affordable chinese learning programs and flexible options.
Abroad China 汇华英才 (By Abroad China, Inc.) Useful information about study in China.
Academic Study Abroad Opportunities in China (By Educational Directories Unlimited, Inc.) A very comprehensive web site that lists many links to study in China programs, commercial and academic.
Center for Chinese Language And Cultural Studies, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, English version (By National Taiwan Normal University).
CET (By CET) A private study abroad organization based in Washington, DC. If you want to learn Chinese and study in China, you can find help here.
Duke Study in China Program (By Duke University). Duke University, in cooperation with Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, offers its twenty-fifth annual semester program of study in China in the spring of 2007.
Insight China (By Hebei Province International Education Exchange Association 河北国际教育交流协会) Helping foreign students to learn more about China through its homestay in China program. Its internship in China programs will give interested parties an insider look at the business side of China. The students can also learn Chinese during the homestay period.
Learn Chinese with Homestay (By Lotus Educational Foundation). Learn Chinese with your Chinese family members!
Study in Beijing (By IES Abroad). IES’s mission is to provide students and U.S. colleges and universities with high-quality academic study abroad programs that foster intercultural development. Study in Beijing, and learn Chinese in China’s capital city.
Study in Taiwan (By Ministry of Education, ROC) A comprehensive web site to provide detailed information for the students who wish to study in Taiwan.
Transitions Abroad (By Transitions Abroad Publishing). Study Mandarin Chinese in Beijing or Shanghai, China. Includes accommodations i.e. homestay or apartments, social and cultural activities. Participate in group Chinese classes with other international students or individual classes. Start throughout the year, internationally diverse participants.
WorldLink Education (By WorldLink Education). World Link Education’s unique Chinese Language Programs are offered in China’s leading universities in Beijing or Shanghai.
iMandarin Shanghai’s leading school, offering group, individual and combined Chinese courses recommended by “Lonely Planet”.
Amerispan Chinese schools in mainland China and Taiwan; study Chinese in Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei.
Beijing Chinese Language Schools Chinese language schools and programs for students who want to get fast results.
AIFS Study Abroad in China with AIFS. Study in Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai. Study abroad scholarships available.
Study abroad Directory Comprehensively organized directory of study in China programs for international education.
Study in China and India Study in China and India. Education of International Students in China · Short-term Chinese Classes · Chinese Medical Colleges and Departments.
Advanced East Asian Language Course on the World Wide Web 中文阅读远距教学课程 (By University of Hawaii) The Chinese course is available to students and individuals as well as to institutions and businesses. Learn Chinese and earn credits.
Chinese, Mandarin Language Programs in USA, Schools & Colleges (By Learn4good.com) Find the programs which offer Chinese courses in the United States.
CyberChinese Online (By Liwin) This is an online version of the CyberChinese which was developed by Prof. Sanpao Li and Jeff Winters. Helps learn Chinese in an easy way.
Home Page (By University of Oxford, Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) Portal to all online Chinese learning materials created by the Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, University of Oxford.
Rosetta Stone (By Fairfield Language Technologies) Commercial multimedia software for language learning. It is one of the earliest computer programs for language learners. The same learning materials, mostly words and sentences are translated into many languages.
Study in China The Chinese Language Institute (CLI) is a China-based center for Mandarin language and culture. CLI is an official affiliate of Guangxi Normal University (GXNU) and offers highly effective one-to-one intensive Mandarin Chinese training programs. Learn Chinese in China with CLI!