Yínghuǒchóng, yínghuǒchóng, mànmàn fēi.
萤火虫, 萤火虫, 慢慢 飞。
Firefly, firefly, flying slowly.
Xiàyè lǐ, xiàyè lǐ, fēng qīng chuī.
夏夜里,夏夜里,风 轻 吹。
On summer nights, summer nights, the breeze gently blows.
Pàhēide háizi ānxīn shuì ba,
怕黑的 孩子 安心 睡 吧,
Kids who are afraid of the dark, sleep at ease ,
Ràng yínghuǒchóng gěi nǐ yìdiǎnguāng.
让 萤火虫 给 你 一点光。
The firefly will bring you some light.
1. 萤火虫(yínghuǒchóng) noun. firefly
Zài xiàtiānde wǎnshang, shùlínlǐ yǒu hěnduō yínghuǒchóng.
在 夏天的 晚上, 树林里 有 很多 萤火虫。
There are many fireflies in the forest on summer nights .
2. 安心(ānxīn) adjective./adverb. feel at ease
Nǐ ānxīn shuì ba, míngtiān wǒ jiào nǐ qǐchuáng.
你 安心 睡 吧,明天 我 叫 你 起床。
Feel at ease, just have a good rest and I will wake you up tomorrow.
1. Who is giving out light in the picture?

A. 星星(xīngxing)
B. 月亮(yuèliang)
C. 萤火虫(yínghuǒchóng)
2. What does安心(ānxīn) mean in English?
A. Feel at ease.
B. Fly slowly.
C. Blow gently.