Dīdī dīdī dī dī, qìchē pǎo
嘀嘀 嘀嘀 嘀 嘀, 汽车 跑,
Vroom, vroom. The car is moving,
Hōnglōnglōng hōnglōnglōng, huǒchē jiào.
轰隆隆 轰隆隆, 火车 叫。
Chugga, chugga, choo, choo. The train is roaring.
Dà lúnchuán, hǎi shàng piāo, hǎi shàng piāo,
大 轮船 海 上 漂, 海 上 漂,
The big ship is floating on the sea.
Kōngzhōng fēijī xiàng dà niǎo.
空中 飞机 像 大 鸟。
The plane in the air is like a giant bird.
Jiāotōng gōngjù dà jíhé,
交通 工具 大 集合,
The collection of vehicles,
Wàichū lǚxíng zhēn qímiào.
外出 旅行 真 奇妙。
Makes our journey wonderful.
1. 汽车(qìchē) n. car
Bàba mǎi le yí liàng xīn qìchē.
爸爸 买 了 一 辆 新 汽车。
My father bought a new car.
2. 火车(huǒchē) n. train
Huǒchē hěn cháng.
火车 很 长。
The train is very long.
3. 轮船(lúnchuán) n. Ship
Zhè gè lúnchuán zhēn dà a.
这 个 轮船 真 大 啊!
The ship is so big!
4. 飞机(fēijī) n. plane
Wǒ xiǎng kāi fēijī.
我 想 开 飞机。
I want to fly the airplane.
1. Which of the following pictures is of a “汽车(qìchē)”?
A. | ![]() |
B. | ![]() |
C. | ![]() |
2. A ___ can sail on the sea.
A. 轮船(lúnchuán)
B. 卡车(kǎchē)
C. 地铁(dìtiě)
3. Look at that “飞机(fēijī)” there in the ____.
A. water
B. forest
C. sky