Dear parents, if your child is learning Chinese now, it’s better for him or her to learn how to use the “bǎ 把” sentence and the “bèi 被” sentence structure correctly, and how to switch between them flexibly. It will make your kid’s Chinese expressions more authentic.
Watch the following video and learn the two common Chinese sentence structures with the teacher.
Example 1:
Wǒ bǎ píngguǒ chī le.
我 把 苹果 吃 了。
I ate the apple.
Píngguǒ bèi wǒ chī le.
苹果 被 我 吃 了。
The apple was eaten by me.
Analysis: The structure of the “bǎ 把” sentence in Chinese is:
Subject + bǎ 把 + object + verb + other elements
In example 1, “wǒ 我” is the subject, and “píngguǒ 苹果” is the object. If we want to make it a “bèi 被” sentence structure, we need to switch the subject and the object.
我 把 苹果 吃了。
Subject Object
苹果 被 我 吃了。
Object Subject
Example 2:
Xiǎomíng bǎ zuòyè xiě wán le.
小明 把 作业 写 完 了。
Xiaoming has finished his homework.
Zuòyè bèi xiǎomíng xiě wán le.
作业 被 小明 写 完 了。
The homework has been finished by Xiaoming.
Analysis:In this “bǎ 把” sentence, “xiǎomíng 小明” is the subject, and “zuòyè 作业” is the object. If we change this sentence to a “bèi 被” sentence structure, we can change the place of the subject and the object, and the rest parts remain the same.
小明 把 作业 写完了。
Subject Object
作业 被 小明 写完了。
Object Subject
Example 3:
Wǒ bǎ shū fàng jìn shūbāo lǐ.
我 把 书 放 进 书包 里。
I put the book in my bag.
Shū bèi wǒ fàng jìn shūbāo lǐ.
书 被 我 放 进 书包 里。
The book was put in my bag by me.
Analysis: In this “bǎ 把” sentence, “wǒ 我” is the subject, and “shū 书” is the object. If we change this sentence into a “bèi 被” sentence, we can change the place of the subject and the object, and the rest parts remain the same.
我 把 书 放进书包里。
Subject Object
书 被 我 放进书包里。
Object Subject
Example 4:
Fēng bǎ shùyè chuī luò le.
风 把 树叶 吹 落 了。
The wind blew the leaves off.
Shùyè bèi fēng chuī luò le.
树叶 被 风 吹 落 了。
The leaves were blown off by the wind.
Analysis: In this “bǎ 把” sentence, “fēng 风” is the subject, and “shùyè 树叶” is the object. If we change this sentence into a “bèi 被” sentence, we can change the place of the subject and the object, and the rest parts remain the same.
风 把 树叶 吹落了。
Subject Object
树叶 被 风 吹落了。
Object Subject
Example 5:
Xiǎo qīngwā bǎ héyè dāng chéng le gētái.
小 青蛙 把 荷叶 当 成 了 歌台。
The little frog took the lotus leaf as the stage for singing.
Héyè bèi xiǎo qīngwā dāng chéng le gētái.
荷叶 被 小 青蛙 当 成 了 歌台。
The lotus leaf was used as the stage for singing by the little frog.
Analysis: In this “bǎ 把” sentence, “xiǎo qīngwā 小 青蛙” is the subject, and “héyè 荷叶” is the object. If we change this sentence to a “bèi 被” sentence, we can change the place of the subject and the object, and the rest parts remain the same.
小青蛙 把 荷叶 当成了歌台。
Subject Object
荷叶 被 小青蛙 当成了歌台。
Object Subject
Does your child know how to change a “bǎ 把” sentence into a “bèi 被” sentence in Chinese now? What other knowledge in Chinese your child finds difficult to learn? You are welcome to comment in the section below to tell us!
“Clearing up Confusion Between “zhe 着” and “le 了” for Children to Learn Chinese”
“Summer Activity: Learn to Sing “xìngfú pāishǒu gē 幸福拍手歌” in Chinese with Your Child”
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