红 (Hóng)-A Pleasant Shade of Chinese

Key Learning Point (Preview):
红 (hóng): to become popular/successful

Amongst different cultures, different words and concepts carry with them varying undertones and meanings. As you progress in the Mandarin language, you’ll learn this is especially true with the word “红 (hóng),” or “red.” Perhaps you’ve already explored predominantly Chinese environments, or explored websites and heard an individual being labeled, “红了 (hóng le),” or called a “红人 (hóngrén).” The typical response is probably “Well how exactly does a person ‘act red’?” In actuality, “红 (hóng)” as an adjective, or personal description, usually refers to someone who’s well favored amongst others. Building upon that, terms such as, “一炮走红 (yípàozǒuhóng),” and “大红大紫 (dàhóngdàzǐ),” can mean “attaining fame by chance and “being a big hit” respectively.

Throughout its five-thousand year old civilization, China has branded red with a multitude of favorable meanings. This particular complexity can be seen everywhere in the lives of Chinese people – festive occasions, fond memories, warm feelings, successful businesses and more. Match-makers were once called “红娘 (hóngniáng).” Red lanterns are hung and coupled with the word “福 (fú)” for blessing, during festivals. At weddings, people paste the red word “喜 (xǐ),” emphasizing “delight.” When someone is in good standing, people say “走红 (zǒuhóng). “分红 (fēnhóng)” is used when making profit in business. Also, beautiful girls are called “红颜 (hóngyán).” As you can see, red’s symbolism is deeply embedded into many daily situations, and is not simply the name of a color.
Key Learning Point:
红 (hóng): to become popular/successful

Tā yǐ jīngzhàn de yǎnjì xùnsù zǒuhóng yǐngshìjiè.
他 以 精湛     的  演技 迅速     走红        影视界。

His popularity grew quickly after his brilliant performances in film and television.
Gōngsī zuìjìn jǐ ge yuè de shēngyi dōu hěn hónghuo.
公司      最近 几个 月 的   生意      都     很    红火。

The company’s transactions have been profitable in recent months.
Wáng Lì shì jīnglǐ shēnbiān de hóngrén, wǒmen kě rě bu qǐ a.
王      力  是 经理   身边       的    红人,   我们    可 惹不 起啊。

He’s the manager’s favorite, so we can’t afford to upset him.

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