Chinese Nursery Rhyme-幸福拍手歌(xìngfú pāishǒu gē)  If You’re Happy

(More Favorite Nursery Rhymes)

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù pāi pāi shŏu,
如果      感到    幸福    你 就 拍 拍    手,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.


Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù pāi pāi shŏu,
如果      感到     幸福  你 就  拍   拍   手,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nǐ jiù yìqǐ  pāi pāi shŏu ba!
如果       感到    幸福  你 就  一起 拍  拍   手  吧!
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Wǒmen dàjiā dōu lái  yìqǐ pāi pāi shŏu.
我们      大家  都  来  一起 拍 拍    手。
Let’s clap our hands together.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù duò duò jiǎo,
如果       感到    幸福   你 就  跺  跺  脚,
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù duò duò jiǎo,
如果      感到     幸福  你  就  跺  跺   脚,
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nǐ jiù  yìqǐ duò duò jiǎo ba!
如果       感到    幸福  你  就 一起  跺  跺  脚  吧!
If you’re happy, and you know it, stomp your feet!

Wǒmen dàjiā dōu lái yìqǐ duò duò jiǎo.
我们       大家 都   来 一起  跺  跺  脚。
Let’s stomp our feet together.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù pāi pāi jiān,
如果       感到    幸福   你 就 拍  拍  肩,
If you’re happy, and you know it, pat your shoulder.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nĭ jiù pāi pāi jiān,
如果      感到     幸福  你  就  拍  拍  肩,
If you’re happy, and you know it, pat your shoulder.

Rúguŏ gǎndào xìngfú nǐ jiù yìqǐ  pāi pāi jiān ba!
如果      感到     幸福  你  就 一起 拍 拍  肩 吧!
If you’re happy, and you know it, pat your shoulder!

Wǒmen dàjiā dōu lái yìqǐ pāi pāi jiān.
我们       大家 都   来 一起 拍  拍  肩。
Let’s pat shoulders together.

Learn body song with a video now!

1. 手(shŏu)   a. hand
Dìdi de shǒu hěn xiǎo.
弟弟 的   手   很    小。
My little brother’s hands are very tiny.

2. 脚(jiǎo)  n. foot
Timmy, kuài xǐjiǎo!
Timmy, 快     洗脚!
Timmy, hurry go wash your feet!

3. 肩(jiān)  n. shoulder
Māma, wǒ de jiān hěn téng!
妈妈, 我   的  肩  很    疼!
Mum, my shoulder hurts.


1. Judi is ____ in the picture.
Wash hands in Chinese-洗手(xǐshǒu)

A. 洗手(xǐshǒu)
B. 洗脸(xǐliǎn)
C. 洗头(xǐtóu)

2. We often play foot-ball with our ___.
A. 胳膊 (gēbo)
B. 嘴(zuǐ)
C. 脚(jiǎo)

3. What’s the meaning of “shoulder?”
A. 腰(yāo)
B. 腿(tuǐ)
C. 肩(jiān)

See Answers
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