Answers to Why do Chinese call New Year “元旦 (yuándàn)”? 31/12/2014 / #AnswersToWhyChineseCallNewYear, #ChineseForAllLevels, #ChineseTraditionsAndCustoms Answers: 1. C 2. B <<Back to Why do Chinese call New Year “元旦 (yuándàn)”?
Lee Ying Leong 01/01/2016 at pm12:05 The answer for Q 2 Typo error on the word ‘atten’. Shoul e be ‘attend’. Reply
jennifer.zhu 11/01/2016 at am10:54 Hello, thanks for pointing out the spelling mistake. We have fixed it. Reply
Nduta 11/01/2016 at am11:25 Good to learn a different way of saying ‘happy new year’ in Chinese. Thank you and have a “元旦快乐” Jennifer Reply
The answer for Q 2
Typo error on the word ‘atten’. Shoul e be ‘attend’.
Hello, thanks for pointing out the spelling mistake. We have fixed it.
Good to learn a different way of saying ‘happy new year’ in Chinese. Thank you and have a “元旦快乐” Jennifer