1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
Zěn me yàng , xí guàn zhè lǐ de shēng huó ma ?
怎 么 样, 习 惯 这 里 的 生 活 吗?
How’s it going, are you used to the life here?
Xí guàn , wǒ men zài zhè lǐ guò dé hěn ( ).
习 惯, 我 们 在 这 里 过 得 很 ( )。
I’m used to it. We have a ( ) time here.
A. nuǎn hé B. shū fu C. nián qīng
A. 暖 和 B. 舒 服 C. 年 轻
A. warm B. comfortable C. young
Analysis: This question tests examinees’ understanding of the sentence structure “V+得+Adv”. A and C are obviously inconsistent with the meaning of the question asking, “how’s life…?”, so we can exclude them. Choose B.

Kě le ba , hē diǎn ér shén me ( )? Yǒu chá , yǒu guǒ zhī.
渴 了 吧, 喝 点 儿 什 么 ( )? 有 茶, 有 果 汁。
You must be thirsty, what ( ) would you like to drink? There is tea and juice.
Wǒ yào yí gè bīng jī líng jiù xíng.
我 要 一 个 冰 激 凌 就 行。
I’ll just have an ice cream.
A. niú nǎi B. yǐn liào C. qiǎo kè lì
A. 牛 奶 B. 饮 料 C. 巧 克 力
A. milk B. beverage C. chocolate
Analysis: This question tests examinees’ vocabulary. Considering the full question, and that “tea and juice” are beverages, we can exclude A and C and choose B.

Wài miàn shì shěn me shēng yīn ?
外 面 是 什 么 声 音?
What’s the sound outside?
Shì guā fēng de shēng yīn , nǐ jīn tiān ( ) jiàn yī fú ba .
是 刮 风 的 声 音 , 你 今 天 ( ) 件 衣 服 吧。
It’s the sound of the wind blowing, you should ( ) clothes today.
A. jiā B. jiǎn C. dài
A. 加 B. 减 C. 戴
A. add B. reduce C. wear
Analysis: We can assume that the speaker will already be wearing clothes and so we can exclude C. Because the weather is windy and cold, we can also rule out B and choose A.

Zuó tiān dǎ zhēn de shí hòu wǒ méi kū.
昨 天 打 针 的 时 候 我 没 哭。
I didn’t cry during the injection yesterday.
Zhēn shì gè ( )de nán hái zǐ !
真 是 个 ( ) 的 男 孩 子!
What a ( ) boy!
A. yǒng gǎn B. nǔ lì C. tǎo yàn
A. 勇 敢 B. 努 力 C. 讨 厌
A. brave B. persistent C. annoying
Analysis: This question tests examinees’ vocabulary. B and C do not match the meaning of the question, so we can exclude them and choose A.

Yǒu shěn me bàn fǎ néng ràng wǒ ( ) yī xiē ma?
有 什 么 办 法 能 让 我 ( ) 一 些 吗?
Is there any way to make me a little ( )?
Zuì hǎo de bàn fǎ yīng gāi shì duō yùn dòng ,nǐ bì xū duō yùn dòng .
最 好 的 办 法 应 该 是 多 运 动, 你 必 须 多 运 动。
The best way is probably to exercise more. You have to exercise more.
A. shòu B. ǎi C. máng
A. 瘦 B. 矮 C. 忙
A. thin B. short C. busy
Analysis: This question tests examinees’ understanding of adjectives. Considering to the meaning of the question, a possible reason for suggesting more exercise is because the first speaker wants to be thinner. B and C do not match the meaning of the question, so we can exclude them and choose A.