1. B
Lì Li: Jīntiān yǒu diǎnr lěng a.
Lily: It’s a little cold today.
Xiǎo Xīn: Shì a, nǐ hái chuān de zhè me shǎo, (fēi) gǎnmào (bùkě).
Xiao Xin: Yeah, you’re wearing so little that you’re certain to catch a cold.
非 (Fēi) … 不可 (Bùkě)
It is usually used in formal written Chinese.
We use it to show that somebody has a strong desire and determination to do something.
Subj. + 非 (fēi) + [Verb] + 不可 (bùkě)
Zhège miànshì hěn zhòngyào, wǒ fēi qù bùkě.
This interview is very important and I must take.
Zhège wèntí fēi jiějué bùkě.
The problem must be solved.
#2 When it is used for expressing emphasis:
It can be also used as “must” and “have to” to show something must be done by someone.
Something +非 (fēi) + somebody + [Verb] + 不可 (bùkě)
Zhège juédìng fēi tā lái zuò bùkě.
The decision has to be made by him.
Zhège xiàngmù fēi lǎobǎn tóngyì bùkě.
This project must be approved by the boss.
#3 When it is used for predicting a future event:
It is similar to “be certain to do; bound to do; be sure to do” in English.
Yàoshì bèi lǎobǎn fāxiàn le, fēi kòu nǐ gōngzī bùkě.
If the boss finds out, he is bound to dock your wage.
Nǐ zài bù zǒu, fēi chídào bùkě.
If you don’t leave, you are certain to be late.
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