4 Effective Ways That Helped an 11-Year-Old Girl Get Started in Mandarin Learning

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and learning Chinese is the same. For  children, how to get started in learning Mandarin might pose a challenge. However, we have an inspiring story about a student named Evans that we think is worth sharing with you.

Evans, an 11-year-old girl, had a thirst for learning. Embarking on her Mandarin adventure, Evans’s journey unfolds with personalized lessons, interactive activities, and a deep appreciation for Chinese culture.

1.A world full of possibilities

Evans’ Mandarin journey began when she met our enthusiastic Mandarin teacher at eChineseLearning, Ms. Zha ng. When she was seven years old, it was her first exposure to Chinese. Teacher Zhang discovered that Evans liked interactive games, after recognizing her  interests, she tailored lessons for her to attract her attention. Through telling Chinese stories, the funniest Chinese cartoons, little Evans is introduced to the fascinating world of Mandarin. As each class progressed, Evans’ curiosity continued to grow, and she eagerly embraced the challenges ahead.

2.Fun and engaging adventure

Learning Mandarin with Teacher Zhang will never be boring. Each lesson is filled with interactive activities to make learning fun. From playing language games that require matching Chinese characters with their meanings to singing catchy Mandarin children’s songs, Evans’ exposure to language continues to deepen. Teacher Zhang also encouraged Evans to practice her Mandarin skills by talking with the teacher during role-playing activities to create a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

3.Harness the power of technology

To enrich Evans’ Mandarin learning journey, Mr. Zhang harnessed the power of technology in his lessons. Teacher Zhang introduced Evans to interactive language learning applications, such as Ablo and Hello Pal, allowing her to try chatting with foreign children. She also provided her with engaging activities such as Chinese character matching and online resources for practice such as FluentU. Through these digital tools, Evans can explore the vibrant world of Mandarin, practice pronunciation, and delve deeper into Chinese culture. The use of technology adds excitement and interactivity to the learning process, making learning Mandarin a dynamic and immersive experience for Evans.

4.Cultural immersion

Evans’s Mandarin journey is not limited to language learning. Teacher Zhang’s Chinese class has become a window for her to understand Chinese culture. Ms. Zhang introduced to Evans China’s traditional festivals and culture, such as the  Spring Festival  and elegant calligraphy art, as well as tempting delicacies. Little Evans was attracted by the rich historical customs and food, and she had a preliminary interest and understanding of the cultural background behind Chinese.

With Teacher Zhang’s constant support and guidance, Evans’ Mandarin skills have improved by leaps and bounds. Regular assessments and goal setting help Evans track her progress, and Teacher Zhang celebrates her achievements with her every step of the way.her Encouraged by his success, Evans’ confidence has greatly increased, and he has become more and more proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing . She is amazed at the progress she has made and feels empowered to continue her language learning journey.

Evans’ Mandarin Adventures proves that through personalized lessons, interactive activities, technology integration, cultural immersion and ongoing teacher support and encouragement,  kids can excel in Mandarin learning. Evans’ journey is a testament to the transformative power of language education, as she not only gained language skills but also developed a deep appreciation for Chinese culture. Through her inspiring story, we see the incredible potential that every non-Chinese child has in their own Mandarin learning journey.

If you are interested in having your kid learn Chinese, sign up for a free trial class via the form on this page, and we will be happy to help.

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