怎么样 (zěnmeyàng) How about/ What about (Beginner)

怎么样 (zěnmeyàng) How about/ What about (Beginner)

“怎么 (zěnme)” mean how and “样 (yàng)” means shape or pattern.


A: Wǒ zǒngshì zài zhōngwén duìhuà zhōng tīngdào “zěnmeyàng” zhège cí,
    我  总是       在     中文         对话   中       听到       “怎么样”        这个  词,
tā shì shénme yìsi?
它 是 什么    意思?
I always hear “怎么样” in Chinese conversations. What does it mean?

B: Tā de yìsi  shì “how about.”  Tā cháng bèi yònglái xúnwèn tārén de  yìjiàn
    它 的 意思 是 “how about.” 它   常       被    用来     询问     他人  的  意见
huòzhě jìnkuàng. Bǐrú shuō: zhōumò qù gōngyuán zěnmeyàng?
或者     近况。      比如 说:      周末    去    公园        怎么样?
It means “how about.” It is usually used to ask for others’ opinions or current situation. For example, how about going to the park on the weekend?

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