In its primary usage, the word “手(shǒu)” means “hand.”
For Example:
Tā shǒu lǐ yǒu yí gè píngguǒ.
他 手 里 有 一 个 苹果。
There is an apple in his hand.
Yǒu wèntí, qǐng jǔshǒu!
有 问题,请 举手!
Hold up your hands if you have questions.
In its extended usage, “手(shǒu)” refers to the ability of a person. The word “手(shǒu)” can be used after adjectives to indicate a person’s skill level or the mastery of a skill or ability. When “手(shǒu)” is used after “新(xīn) new,” “生(shēng) unfamiliar,” “老(lǎo) old” “高(gāo) high” and “好(hǎo) good,” it combines with these words to make “新手(xīnshǒu) and 生手(shēngshǒu), beginner or novice;” “老手(lǎoshǒu) veteran or experienced;” “高手(gāoshǒu) and 好手(hǎoshǒu), to be excellent or superb in ability.”
Mary shì ge yóuyǒng de hǎoshǒu!
Mary 是 个 游泳 的 好手!
Mary is a good swimmer!
Lucy, qǐng bāng wǒ zhǎo yí gè lǎoshǒu xiū chē ba!
Lucy, 请 帮 我 找 一 个 老手 修 车 吧!
Lucy, please help me to find an old hand to fix my car!
Lastly, the word “手(shǒu)” can be used with nouns and verbs to express the title given to a person engaged in their work or a task.
When “手(shǒu)” is used with certain nouns, we have, “歌手(gēshǒu) singer”; “赛车手(sàichēshǒu) racecar driver;” “吉他手(jítashǒu) guitarist;” “鼓手(gǔshǒu) drummer;” and “棒球手(bàngqiúshǒu) baseball player.”
For Example:
Sarah Brightman shì wǒ zuì xǐhuan de gēshǒu.
Sarah Brightman 是 我 最 喜欢 的 歌手。
Sarah Brightman is my favorite singer.
When “手(shǒu)” is used following verbs, we have “狙击手(jūjīshǒu) sniper;” “写手(xiěshǒu) writer;” and “杀手(shāshǒu) killer.”
For Example:
Wǒ de mèngxiǎng shì dāng yì mínɡ jūjīshǒu.
我 的 梦想 是 当 一 名 狙击手。
My dream is to become a sniper.
1. If you are a novice at a job, then you can’t be a ___.
A. 老手(lǎoshǒu)
B. 新手(xīnshǒu)
C. 生手(shēngshǒu)
2. The word “手(shǒu)” in “歌手(gēshǒu)” refers to___.
A. a hand
B. a man who likes to listen to the music
C. a man engaged in a singing career