Video Lesson: You’ve Lost Some Weight!

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Anna, wǒmen zài dǎ bàn ge xiǎoshí bɑ.
A: Anna,我们再打半个小时吧。
B: We have played for two hours without any rest! Wǒ lèi le. Xià cì bɑ.
B: We have played for two hours without any rest! 我累了。下次吧。
Which of the following can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. They will play together right now.
B. Anna will not play right now.
C. Anna was very excited when she heard the advice.
2. A: Wánɡ Yīnɡ, hǎojiǔ bújiàn!
A: 王英,好久不见!
B: Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bú rènshi nǐ. Nǐ shì?
B: 对不起,我不认识你。你是?
A: Wǒ shì Lǐ lán a!
A: 我是李兰啊!
B: Tiān na! Nǐ shòu le!
B: 天哪!你瘦了!
Which of the following is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wang Ying thinks Li Lan has lost some weight.
B. Wang Ying thinks Li Lan has not changed much at all.
C. Li Lan was very thin before.
3. A: Anna, xià ɡè yuè wǒ hé Jason dìnɡhūn.
A: Anna,下个月我和Jason订婚。
B: Becky, don’t you know that Jason is a playboy? Hé tā dìnɡhūn? Nǐ fēnɡ le ba?
B: Becky, don’t you know that Jason is a playboy? 和他订婚?你疯了吧?
A: Wǒ zhīdào, kěshì wǒ hěn ài tā.
A: 我知道,可是我很爱他。
Which of the following is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Anna thinks Becky has gone crazy for getting engaged to Jason.
B. Becky thinks Anna has gone crazy for questioning Becky’s engagement.
C. Anna understands Becky’s reason for getting engaged to Jason.
4. A: Wǒ shànɡ zhōu xiǎnɡ kàn Batman III, dànshì diànyǐnɡ piào hěn ɡuì.
A: 我上周想看Batman III,但是电影票很贵。
B: Shì a. Shànɡ zhōu diànyǐnɡ piào hěn ɡuì, dànshì xiànzài piányi le.
B: 是啊。上周电影票很贵,但是现在便宜了。
Which of the following can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. The movie tickets are always expensive.
B. The price of movie tickets has risen now.
C. The movie tickets have become cheaper now.
5. A: Zuìjìn hěnduō wàiɡuó rén dōu xǐhuān chànɡ zuì xuàn mínzú fēnɡ.
A: 最近很多外国人都喜欢唱《最炫民族风》。
B: Yes, few people knew that song when it came out. Dànshì xiànzài tā huǒ le.
B: Yes, few people knew that song when it came out. 但是现在它火了。
Which of the following can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. That song has become very popular now.
B. That song is less popular than before.
C. That song is not popular at all now.

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