Video Lesson: You Got Another New Boyfriend?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Lìlì, Lín Fēng zhǎo nǐ.
    B: Tā zěnme yòu lái le?
    Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Lili doesn’t know Lin Feng.
    B. This is the first time that Lin Feng has stopped by.
    C. This is not the first time that Lin Feng has stopped by.
2. A: Zhāng Juān, zěnme la?
    B: Wǒ de shǒujī yòu diū le.
    Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Zhang Juan?
    A. Zhang Juan doesn’t have a cell phone.
    B. This is not the first time that she has lost her cell phone.
    C. This is the first time that she has lost her cell phone.
3. A: Lín Nà, Lǐ Xīn shénme shíhou dào?
    B: Tā dǎ diànhuà shuō, yòu dǔchē le, kěnéng huì wǎn yìdiǎnr.
    What can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. The traffic in this city is very good.
    B. This is not the first time that Li Xin is stuck in the traffic.
    C. This is the first time that Li Xin is stuck in the traffic.
4. A: Lǐ Líng, zhè shì shéi de diànnǎo? Zhēn búcuò!
    B: Wǒ de, xīn mǎi de.
    A: Shénme? Zhè yǐjīng shì jīnnián de dì sān tái le.
    What can be inferred from the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Lǐ Líng méiyǒu diànnǎo.
    B. Lǐ Líng xiǎng mǎi yì tái diànnǎo.
    C. Lǐ líng yòu mǎi xīn diànnǎo le.
5. A: Zhōu Yīng, chuān de zhème piàoliang, wǎnshang yào gēn Zhào Gāng qù chīfàn ma?
    B: Wǒ gēn Zhào Gāng fēnshǒu le. Wǎnshang shì gēn wǒ de xīn nán péngyou Chén Wěi qù chīfàn.
    A: Yòu fēnshǒu le? Nǐ huàn le sì ge nán péngyou le ba?
    Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
    A. Zhōu Yīng yòu yǒu xīn nán péngyou le.
    B. Chén Wěi shì Zhōu Yīng de dì yī gè nán péngyou.
    C. Zhōu Yīng méiyǒu nán péngyou.
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