Video Lesson: The Difference Between 也 (Yě) And 还 (Hái)

Do you know the difference between 也 (Yě) and 还 (Hái)?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Xiǎo Měi, nǐ qù jiànshēnfáng ma?
A: 晓美,你去健身房吗?
B: Duì a, Lì Li. Nǐ qù nǎr?
B: 对啊,丽丽。你去哪儿?
A: …
What would Lili say? Please choose the best answer.

A. Wǒ yě qù jiànshēnfáng.
A. 我也去健身房。
B. Wǒ hái qù jiànshēnfáng.
B. 我还去健身房。
C. Wǒ qù jiànshēnfáng yě.
C. 我去健身房也。

2. A: Lisa, nǐ xǐhuan tīng mòlìhuā ma?
A: Lisa,你喜欢听茉莉花吗?
B: Shì a, Jenny. Nǐ xǐhuan ma?
B: 是啊,Jenny。你喜欢吗?
A: Wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhè shǒu gē.
A: 我很喜欢这首歌。
Which of the following is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Lisa xǐhuan tīng mòlìhuā, Jenny bù xǐhuan.
A. Lisa 喜欢听茉莉花,Jenny不喜欢。
B. Lisa xǐhuan tīng mòlìhuā, Jenny hái xǐhuan.
B. Lisa喜欢听茉莉花,Jenny还喜欢。
C. Lisa xǐhuan tīng mòlìhuā, Jenny yě xǐhuan.
C. Lisa 喜欢听茉莉花,Jenny也喜欢。
3. A: Wáng jīnglǐ, nín zhè cì qù nǎr chūchāi?
A: 王经理,您这次去哪儿出差?
B: …
What would manager Wang say? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wǒ yào qù Shànghǎi, hái yào qù Guǎngzhōu.
A. 我要去上海,还要去广州。
B. Wǒ yào qù Shànghǎi, yào qù Guǎngzhōu hái.
B. 我要去上海,要去广州还。
C. Hái wǒ yào qù shànghǎi, yào qù Guǎngzhōu.
C. 还我要去上海,要去广州。
4. A: Xiǎo Měi, wǒ qù chāoshì, nǐ yào mǎi shénme? Wǒ bāng nǐ mǎi.
A: 晓美,我去超市,你要买什么?我帮你买。
B: Xièxie nǐ, Lisa. Wǒ yào yì píng niúnǎi, hái yào sān gè miànbāo.
B: 谢谢你,Lisa。 我要一瓶牛奶,还要三个面包。
Which of the following can be inferred according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.

A. Xiao Mei is also going to the supermarket.
B. Xiao Mei wants Lisa to bring her a bottle of milk and three loaves of bread.
C. Lisa only wants to buy a bottle of milk.
5. A: Lì Li, nǐ yě lái mǎi yīfu ma?
A: 丽丽, 你也来买衣服吗?
B: Duì a, jīntiān zhè jiā shāngdiàn dǎzhé. Xiǎo Měi, nǐ mǎi shénme le?
B: 对啊,今天这家商店打折。晓美,你买什么了?
A: Wǒ mǎi le yí jiàn chènshān, hái mǎi le yì tiáo qúnzi.
A: 我买了一件衬衫,还买了一条裙子。
Which of the following is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Xiao Mei and Li Li each bought a shirt.
B. Xiao Mei went to the store to buy clothes and Li Li went to the store to meet up with Xiao Mei.
C. Xiao Mei bought a shirt and a skirt.

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