Video Lesson: I’ve Dated Her for over Two Months!

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Wǒ kàn le yí gè duō yuè de Zhōngguó hǎo shēngyīn. Wǒ juéde tài bàng le.
A: 我看了一个多月的《中国好声音》,我觉得太棒了。
B: Wáng Yīng, nǐ yě xǐhuān kàn? Wǒ yě shì.
B: 王英,你也喜欢看?我也是。
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wang Ying has watched The voice of China for less than one month.
B. Wang Ying started to watch The voice of China more than one month ago.
C. Wang Ying has watched The voice of China for just one month.
2. A: Xiǎo Měi, nǐ de hūn shā zhào tài piàoliang le. Nǐ jiéhūn duō cháng shíjiān le?
A: 小美, 你的婚纱照太漂亮了。你结婚多长时间了?
B: Liǎng nián duō.
B: 两年多。
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Xiao Mei is not married.
B. Xiao Mei has been married for less than two years.
C. Xiao Mei has been married for over two years.
3. A: Lǐ Lán, kàn nèi gè shuàigē! Tā zhēn shuài!
A: 李兰, 看那个帅哥!他真帅!
B: Ò, nà shì wǒ de yí gè péngyǒu. Wǒmen rènshí wǔnián duō le. Nǐ xiǎng rènshí tā ma?
B: 哦,那是我的一个朋友。 我们认识五年多了。你想认识他吗?
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Li Lan doesn’t know that guy.
B. Li Lan has known that guy for over five years.
C. Li Lan has known that guy for less than five years.
4. A: Bella, nà shì nǐ nán péngyǒu ma?
A: Bella,那是你男朋友吗?
B: Liǎng gè duō yuè yǐqián shì, xiànzài búshì.
B: 两个多月以前是,现在不是。
How long ago did Bella break up with her boyfriend according to dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Two months.
B. Over two months.
C. Three months.
5. A: Jīntiān wǎnshàng qī diǎn duō yìqǐ chī wǎnfàn, hǎo ma?
A: 今天晚上7点多一起吃晚饭,好吗?
B: Bùhǎoyìsi, Emma, wǒ yào qù péngyǒu jiā.
B: 不好意思,Emma,我要去朋友家。
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Emma wants to have dinner together at 7 p.m.
B. They will have dinner together before 7 p.m.
C. Emma wants to have dinner together after 7 p.m.

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