Video Lesson: Chopsticks Or Fork?

You are in a Chinese restaurant in New York. The waiter is about to provide you western utensils, yet you’d like to use chopsticks. What should you say?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Lydia, nǐ huì yòng kuàizi!
    B: Shì a, wǒ xǐhuan yòng kuàizi.
    Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue?
   A. Lydia can use chopsticks.
   B. Lydia can use a spoon.
   C. Lydia can use knife and fork.
2. A: I’m going back to the U.S. soon, what souvenirs should I buy?
    B: Mǎi kuàizi zěnmeyànɡ?
    A: Hǎo zhǔyi! ________
    What is she most likely to say?
    A. Wǒ mǎi wǔ kuàizi.
    B. Wǒ mǎi wǔ shuānɡ kuàizi.
    C. Wǒ mǎi wǔ bǎ sháozi.
3. A: How many guests do we have?
    B: Sì gè. Lisa hé Jake shì Měiɡuórén, tāmen yònɡ dāochā. Lǐ Mínɡ hé Zhānɡ Lìlì yònɡ kuàizi.
    How many utensils should the hostesses prepare?
    A. Sì shuānɡ kuàizi.
    B. Sì fù dāochā.
    C. Liǎnɡ shuānɡ kuàizi hé liǎnɡ fù dāochā.
4. A: Hǎo xiānɡ! Shì jītānɡ ma?
    B: Wǒ nán pénɡyou zuò de. Here, Lydia, try some!
    A: Hǎo a!
    What is Lydia most likely to do next?
    A. Ná yì bǎ sháozi.
    B. Ná yì shuānɡ kuàizi.
    C. Ná yì bǎ dāozi.
5. A: Ellie, chūnjié lái wǒ jiā chīfàn bɑ!
    B: Hǎo ā! Nǐ zuòfàn mɑ?
    A: Bù, wǒ māmɑ zuòfàn. ________
    What is he most likely going to say?
    A. Tā xǐhuɑn mǎi sháozi.
    B. Tā xǐhuɑn yònɡ sháozi.
    C. Tā xǐhuɑn zhǎnɡsháo.
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