Nursery Rhyme-尾巴谣 (Wěibayáo) Ballad Of Tail

Shénme wěiba cháng?
什么       尾巴    长?

Who has a long tail?
Shénme wěiba duǎn?
什么       尾巴    短?

Who has a short tail?
Shénme wěiba xiàng bǎ sǎn?
什么        尾巴   像     把  伞?

Whose tail looks like an umbrella?
Gǒu de wěiba cháng,
狗    的   尾巴   长,

The dog has a long tail,
Tùzi wěiba duǎn,
兔子 尾巴   短,

The rabbit has a short tail,
Sōngshǔ de wěiba xiàng bǎ sǎn.
松鼠         的 尾巴    像      把 伞。

And the squirrel’s tail looks like an umbrella.
Shénme wěiba wān?
什么        尾巴   弯?

Who has a curly tail?
Shénme wěiba biǎn?
什么        尾巴   扁?

Who has a flat tail?
Shénme wěiba zuì hǎokàn?
什么        尾巴  最   好看?

Whose tail is the most beautiful?
Gōngjī wěiba wān,
公鸡     尾巴   弯,

The rooster has a curly tail,
Yāzi wěiba biǎn,
鸭子 尾巴   扁,

The duck has a flat tail,
Kǒngquè de wěiba zuì hǎokàn.
孔雀         的 尾巴   最   好看。

And the peacock’s tail is the most beautiful.
1. 尾巴(wěiba): n. tail
Māma, tùzi yǒu


妈妈, 兔子 有  



Mom, does the rabbit have a tail?
2. 松鼠(sōngshǔ): n. squirrel
Wǒ xǐhuan xiǎo


我    喜欢    小   


I like little squirrels!
3. 公鸡(gōngjī): n. cock
Nǎinai jiā yǒu yìzhī


奶奶    家 有   一只


There is a rooster in my grandma’s house.
4. 孔雀(kǒngquè): n. peacock
Zhè zhī


zhēn piàoliang!
这    只 


        真     漂亮!

This peacock is really beautiful!

HSK 3 quiz

1. Which part of a swallow looks like a pair of scissors?
A. 头(tóu)
B. 尾巴(wěiba)
C. 翅膀(chìbǎng)
2. What is the name of the animal in the picture?


A. 松鼠(sōngshǔ)
B. 袋鼠(dàishǔ)
C. 孔雀(kǒngquè)
3. Which animal crows in the morning?
A. 母鸡(mǔjī)
B. 公鸡(gōngjī)
C. 鸭子(yāzi)

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