Chinese Nursery Rhyme for Kids: 堆雪人 Making a Snowman

Snowfall has covered the ground. Are you ready to go together with your family and friends to make a snowman? Read the lyrics of the song 堆雪人 Making a Snowman after listening to the audios.

Key Learning Points (Preview):

雪花 (xuěhuā): n. snowflake

笑 (xiào): v. to smile


Běifēng chuī, piāo xuěhuā,
北风      吹, 飘     雪花,

The north wind is blowing and the snowflakes are falling.

wǒ hé dìdi xuědì shuǎ.
我 和 弟弟雪地   耍。

My younger brother and I are playing in the snow.

Duī gè xuěrén pàng yòu dà,
堆   个 雪人     胖   又   大,

We are making a big plump snowman.

tàiyáng bù chū hāhā xiào,
太阳      不 出 哈哈 笑,

The snowman is smiling when the sun doesn’t shine.

tàiyáng chūlái tā kū le.
太阳      出来 它 哭了。

But he is crying as soon as the sun comes out.

Key Learning Points:

雪花 (xuěhuā): n. snowflake



    Xiàxuě le! Nǐ kàn, hǎo piàoliang de xuěhuā ya.
A: 下雪了! 你看, 好     漂亮      的    雪花     呀。

It’s snowing. Look, how beautiful the snowflakes are!

   Shì a, tài měi le.
B: 是啊,太美了。

Yes, they are so beautiful.

笑 (xiào): v. to smile


Tīngdào zhège hǎo xiāoxi, tā kāixīn de xiào le.
听到        这个  好     消息,他 开心 地 笑 了。

After hearing the good news, he smiled happily.

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